Small group LF 7/8M+ Guild

Hello all!

A group of my friends and I are looking for a guild together. We are currently 6/8M with some decent pulls on Zaq. Our group contains one DH (dps or tank), a Resto Shaman, a Fire Mage, and a Monk (healer preferred, or dps). Everyone in our group has stellar heroic and mythic logs (95%+ averages) and long histories of getting CE every tier.

We are looking for a new guild because our current one is falling apart and they haven’t been able to keep up with recruitment. Our progress is far behind what it has been in past tiers because of it. I’m only posting anonymously because I don’t want to make our leadership panic any more than they already are. We have been holding out on a move for a while in the hopes that they would be able to pick up recruiting but it is not looking good. Most of us have been here for a few years now and are sad to see things go this way.

We are looking for:
An Alliance guild that is 7/8M or higher. 8/8M is preferred, because we all have the capabilities to be much higher progressed than we currently are. Being Alliance is a hard requirement, we will not consider any Horde guilds, regardless of other criteria met.
A late night guild, with times starting at 7PM PST (10PM EST) or later, 2-3 days a week (any days)
A guild that has a respectful atmosphere free of toxicity, bigotry, and any other crap that nobody wants to be around.

We realize that recruiting an entire group is kind of an unlikely thing to occur, so even if you’re interested in a few of us, it would be great to hear from you. I will be happy to provide any and all information requested.

Hey there! Well i’ll honest while posting, being a group is a hard sell for most guilds. But ill tell you a little about us if you all want to app individually. Probably 1-2 weeks from kill on Aszhara the nerf will likely make it very soon, possibly next week. But going forward after EP we are looking to bulk our roster back up a bit for next tier! It looks exciting so there is a lot of excitement in the guild for it. But with that said we have no tanking positions open, we have 1 core healer position, and then mainly looking for DPS. If some of you feel like you may fit visit the website and drop some apps! But it is unlikely we need all of you (especially 5). But whos knows! Thanks for you time! Feel free to message me for more info --Ratt

Raid times: 3:00PM to 7:00PM EST on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Current Progression: 9/9M BoD, 7/8M TEP

Current recruitment needs are the following:

Healer positions opened for any of the following:

  • Holy Paladin
  • Restoration Shaman
  • Disc Priest

Ranged DPS positions opened for any of the following:

  • Mage
  • Hunter
  • Shadow Priest

Melee positions opened for any of the following:

  • Frost DK
  • Rogue
  • Retribution Paladin

VANQUISH is an ancient guild with a long raiding history which can be found on our website @ www.vqguild. net by clicking the “History” tab in the top right!

We are currently the #1 2-day a week raiding guild on Sargeras, and one of the top weekend raiding guilds that World of Warcraft has to offer! Our raids begin at 3:00PM EST (invites at 2:30) and end at 7:00PM EST on Saturdays and Sundays each week. Because of our limited raid schedule, we are only interested in recruiting players who excel at understanding boss mechanics, are able to perform efficiently in a raid setting, and whom are able to avoid lethal raid mechanics while playing their character well. New recruits are also expected to have near 100% raid attendance during their trial period.

Each week raiding members are expected to prepare for the upcoming weekend raid by making sure they have enough consumables (food, flasks, and potions) for the 8 hour raid week. Researching and understanding upcoming fights, or current progression encounters, is also expected to take place prior to raid days.

Our guild community and general raid atmosphere is something very valuable to us. If you’re a consistently negative person, or someone with a generally bad attitude, this guild will not be a good fit for you. We do take our raiding time seriously though, and having “thin skin” will not serve you well.

Overall, VANQUISH is a performance-based guild. We expect people to play well and maintain respectable logs of encounters each week. Failure to do so will eventually get new recruits demoted to a non-raiding rank in our guild.

New recruits who are unable to maintain their raid attendance will not pass the trial period. If you have computer issues, internet issues, or outside commitments that would prevent you from making our raid times, this guild will not be a good fit for you.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about the application process, contact our GM @ Onslaught#1285 or Hut#1499 on BNet, or Onslaught#7682 or Ratt#7057 on Discord!

if you ever get over your need to stay alliance hit me up on my btag and we’ll chat

About Us:

Synergy [H] on Tichondrius is a established semi-hardcore raiding guild. We have been around since 2011 and plan on tackling Mythic content through BFA!!!

We are passionately dedicated to PvE Raid progression and, as such, every decision we make as a guild is devoted to that end. With just a 3-day raiding schedule we take raid time very seriously, and have very high expectations of ourselves and potential members.

At the same time, however, personality and attitude can not be stressed enough, as we will not take a talented player if they don’t fit in well with the rest of the guild. We are here to raid, have fun and progress. If you share Synergy’s motivations and goals, we highly encourage you to apply.


Tanks: Exceptional Canidates
Heals: disc priest / paladin


Prior Tiers (since 2011) information is listed on our website (About Us)!

Tier 17: ( US #153 )
Tier 18: ( US #161 )
Tier 19: ( US #333 )
Tier 20: ( US #425 )
Tier 21: ( US #295 )
Uldir: 8/8M ( US #240 )
BOD: 9/9M ( US #235 )
EP: 7/8M ( US #171 )

Guild Information:

Raid Times:
•Tuesday: 8:30PM -11:30 PM PST
•Wednesday: 8:30PM -11:30 PM PST
•Thursday: 8:30PM -11:30 PM PST

Guild Website:

If you have any question regarding the guild or recruitment please contact:
(Fistdlanthus) Fistdlanthus#1237

<Continuum> Currently 7/8M and 9/9M BoD.
Starting Azshara progression, here we go 300+ plus of suffering
If you are a competent player that like killing bosses without going 16 hours a week into a raid, this might be the place for you.

Please apply to our website
If you can not spare 5 minutes to submit an app you will probably not spare 5 minutes to watch a strategy video for a progression boss.

Raid times: 7:30pm-10:00pm(PST) Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday (7.5 hours a week).

Recruitment Needs
Top priority for us:

  • Shadow Priest
  • Disc Priest
  • Mage FIRE for Azshara
  • Boomkin
  • Warlock
  • Open to all classes and players.
  • We only require that they know how to press their keys.
  • Be able to enjoy memes and have a good sense of humor.

A big plus for people that can play more than 1 spec for their class in case of nerfs from blizzard or a boss fight requires it.


  1. Trial last for at most 2 weeks, time is reduced is the performance is great and there is good chemistry with the raid group.
  2. We are close to start extending our lockout and go for Azshara until she dies so trials will be during progression.

We have an active group outside raiding, dont expect 24/7 activity in WoW but we do hangout a lot in discord and play other games like Path of Exile, League, Dota, Warframe or any interesting game that comes out and help us pass the time when WoW gets a bit stale.

So far people that join us, stick with us for a long time.

If this has piqued your interest, please feel free to apply at

Or contact: Pucho#1617

Bump for good luck trying to find a new guild! This tier has been rough on all of us, wishing you the best.

Bumping our thread!

Still searching for a new home!

Bumps for friends

another bump for friends