Slyvanas will step down

Stepping down isn't going to magically absolve her of her crimes.
I think Blizzard is building up some big reveal that they think will make Sylvanas all better. Her motivations have been so cryptic and secret since her unknown deal with Hela, and they've said she won't be Garrosh 2.0 multiple times.

Even though it seems like they'll spend the first several months of this expac making us believe she's Garrosh 2.0, I think they are planning to redeem her. To giver a moment of "See, this is what I was doing, you should have trusted me all along." Like Illidan.
11/03/2018 09:13 AMPosted by Droité
No she wont. She has a personal motivation in this war beyond what she enticed Saurfang with (an objective that she suggests would even place beings like Elune against her). She also knows there is no going back for her after Teldrassil, the Alliance will NEVER stand down as long as she remains in a position of power within the Horde (and that likely includes within the Forsaken).

Then there of course is her motivation to never return to her afterlife (which yes, is a primary driving force for her even now). Her stepping down would only put her in danger ... she's better off not making it official and just bailing to parts unknown if that's the route she plans on going. If she can use the Horde to get closer to her goal until she feels forced to make that call, all the better.

I agree.

The Horde is just another arrow in her quiver. She knows she's not liked, she just doesn't care as long as people are still useful to her. That's her whole shtick with Baine and the Tauren.

So, as Droite points out, Sylvanas will continue to be Warchief as long as it advances her secret goal and if that stops being useful she'll most likely just walk away without a formal resignation. Though I feel should that come to pass - the Horde turning on her - it'll already be too late, obviously.
11/03/2018 11:19 AMPosted by Rhuna
Though I feel should that come to pass - the Horde turning on her - it'll already be too late, obviously.

If the players are anything to go by, the vast majority of them would gladly follow her into hell and give their lives to her if it meant that senpai would notice them.

I say... let them have that choice! Then when Sylvanas dies in 8.X, they will be forced to permanently delete the characters who they had choose to side with Sylvanas.