Slyvanas getting a redemption is a horrible message

Saurfang got full redemption when Grom has killed their puppeteer (Mannoroth), who was responsible for the corruption of their race and their actions. When Sylvanas kills, or at least assists in killing her master, the Jailer, then we can talk about redemption. Until then she is a war criminal and deserves an eternity in the raging bushfire she has put thousands of innocents into.

Stop it. Get some help.



I’ll clarify. I have never stated clairvoyance nor that I ever predicted Sylvanas would go this way.

But whatever we did not know and whatever Blizzard did not suggest has no relevance to what the story is now.

Well said. I would add I am only stating the facts as they are, not giving opinions on the matter.


Ask the legion if Azeroth is special. It’s just one world why bother sending multiple crusades to destroy it.

Sure Azeroth is special. Are Trolls special? Are Orcs considered special even though they are from Outland? Do Orc and Draenei deaths mean less than Night Elf and Troll deaths?

See how this line of questions opens an absurd line of thinking?

Either BfA’s and Sylvanas’s contributions to death are a drop in the bucket in relation to the infinite or…what?

?? BfA rarely had logical writing, I had higher hopes for Shadowlands but they can’t even maintain consistency in the same expansion, nevermind spanning multiple expansions.


Potentially the point wasn’t that the Jailer needed a ton of extra souls specifically of Azerothians, but that Sylvanas needed to send him a treefull to either get her powerup or fulfill some bargain, and she only has the one planet to do megamurder on, and that’s why she had to pump up those rookie numbers.

But I agree, that is doing the writers work for them and it’s dumb. I’m sure we won’t be seeing a cosmos’ worth of aliens in the Shadowlands, it’ll just be the Azeroth gang and some suspiciously familiar models for anyone from a different realm.