Slow hard hitting spec?

What made me fall in love with the game was the TBC arms warrior. A MS crit could mean instant death depending on gear. Sword spec just had that RNG extra on top of it.

I understand the game is different now but I miss the feeling. The closest thing I know is destro warlocks with CB and SF (decimation procs).

Are there any other specs like this?


This, but it’s Demolish into MS now.

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Ya, current arms warrior with demolish LOL. Boomy also does the most disgusting damage, but you’re very squishy. FDK also fills this niche of insane burst damage.

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Try frost dk or ret if you like arms warrior.

If you’re looking for a low-APM spec (less keys pressed per minute, but harder hitting abilities in general) your best options are Arms warrior for melee/MM hunter for ranged. Both are hard-hitting and not so spammy.

I think the closest would be ret paladin but even still it’s nothing like what you’re talking about. RNG determining fight outcome is usually tuned out of the game as it’s poor design.

Ret paladin Templar. Divine hammer hits for like 2m every 45 sec

arms is one of the higher apm specs.
If you really want low apm and big hits, devoker is the lowest apm spec still I’m pretty sure. Aug sees bigger individual numbers (maybe than any other spec?).

Ret is not a slow hitter you are literally gcd locked soamming these piss poor final verdicts that deal 300k damage. Hammer of light is the only feel good button but is not near as hard hitter as op described

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Are you full haste or something? Mine are consistently 5-600k ish and obviously more during wings + final reck and judgement buff.

Building those Demolish stacks then smash into shockwave into bung bung BUNG is the closest I will ever come to feeling love