Slime Cat Mount

Blizzard apology tour?


Yeeeees! That was the one I voted for! I was thinking about that earlier today actually, wishing and hoping.


Yeah I voted for that too.

No wait, I voted for the caterpillar. Oh I’m a liar, how embarrassing.


Oh, how exciting.

Same. Super duper happy with how the book turned out, so I’m optimistic about the cat and caterpillar.

Easily one of the highest quality mounts in recent history.


Pshaw, don’t be embarrassed! It’s your history, rewrite it as you see fit. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I missed the context, what happened with the mount vote? Did the Slime saber win?

Where can you get that mount?

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Well, looks like all those mounts will come to the game. Which one will be the next? I think will be the caterpillar mount.

It was one year ago.

The ancient tree mount won. Everyone got it for free. It changes of look with the seasons. But looks like the other 4 option of the poll will keep coming.

They did the spelltome mount already, as reward of the new mage tower, and now players datamined the slime cat mount for next the patch.

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It’s no Otter mount, but I’ll take it.


Understood. There was a datamine on Tirisfal Glades, possibly related to the slime cat? :tea:

sad spider noises

OR Blizz sucking up like a Ex that cheated many times, punched a hole in a wall, then wants to buy you a diamond ring to keep you quiet for the black eye they gave you that they totally didn’t mean to do.

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I think it’s more like… at SL launch they had started work on all the mounts they let people vote for, and now they are throwing everything they had ready or partially completed into 9.2.5.

This is a good thing and I’m not complaining, but I think we’re going to see a lot of stuff like this coming out for 9.2.5 and season 4 that was planned for SL but got cut.

I wanted the caterpillar because we don’t have any caterpillar mounts, but slime cat is cool too.


I need this. Please tell me it leaves behind goop like the blizzard bear drops snowballs!

I voted for the tree. Don’t hate me. And I really wanted a march on Stormwind entwalk.

:black_square_button: :white_square_button: :black_square_button: :white_square_button:


As someone who voted for that slime cat this would be definitely one mount I will use not like that boring ugly tree which would be good if it was on fire.


It’ll be locked behind completing all three raids on M+. Just watch.


Apology tour, no :stuck_out_tongue:
Just a [we had it finished, a large % wanted it, this can hook some players to engage in 9.2.5].