So i tried out the new capstone that replaces darting hurricane (slicing winds), and it’s actually pretty nice.
It’s a charge up like the evoker’s flame breath.
Can be charged while moving, but slows you down while charging.
A full charge jolts you forward roughly 75% of a flying serpent kick.
Does good damage in a line.
Replaces flying serpent kick, so you lose that instant mobility, but gain a pretty strong aoe. Hits with approximately the strength of rising sun kick over the swathe.
At a 560 ilvl starter character it was critting at around 850k
I genuinely hope that it doesn’t make it to live as it is. If anything, design it as a PvP talent or just something on the main monk tree as opposed to something on the WW tree. Talent points are already tight for us on the WW side, and hilariously it feels like it’d be easier to fit in our ST rotation than our AoE rotation.
Design wise Slicing winds is fine. We have enough movement skills that not having FSK is fine. The charge up feels off but it is new and something we did have before. It should grow on us to be ok. There are a few things i would like to see done a bit different. First is its location in the skill tree and the lack of supporting talents to justify being there. The core of slicing winds is a large aoe movement skill. why is locked behind a primarily ST tree? It should be moved out of there or have Galefource, RJW and CWW interact with it in some way. Next thing is the damage doesnt quite feel right for the button. its a 30s cd with a charge that does a bit better than WDP. I would like to see it go to 45s or 1m cd with double the damage for it. This skill needs to feel really strong to be impactful or it will feel like another failed JFS.
I think it will have its uses, the only purpose of the charge is for greater distance, so if you’re in close combat it act as a sort of roll and aoe at the same time.
The charge component will be good for changing between groups and for pvp, and then just general fun around town …
I disagree. It has all the problems that chi torpedo had when it was part of our dps rotation and more. Chi Torpedo was universally hated when it was part of our damage rotation and was removed from it for a reason. Its real annoying Blizzard is trying to make this a thing again.
I played around with Slicing Winds enough on PTR to know I am going to despise this talent and pray its not good unless some major changes are made before 11.1. The functionality of the charge mechanic needs improvements. If I tap and quickly release this ability my character shouldn’t be moving if any at all instead you move the distance roughly 80-85% of roll does. This is extremely frustrating.
if you didnt move then you wouldnt do any dmg. the idea behind it is you slice through the mobs. Now the distance can be tuned in to be a bit shorter but saying you shouldn’t is like saying you dont want anything to ever change. WW is known as the mobility class it should have some skills to do this effectively. I would like to it changed to you get a pick a point to move to and the charge happens automatically.
That is not what was said. Bringing back an unfun mechanic that was not liked by a lot in the past was what was said.
This isn’t about not wanting change because we had this before and it was not a good experience.
Slicing winds is not something that is new and exciting as we had Chi Torpedo in our rotation and then Keefers at some point. Both universally hated and unfun.
I think they need to make it approximately equal to the other aoe side of the tree, and then it’ll become a choice for people who want it.
Thankfullly for people who don’t, it replaced a mostly unused talent (darting hurricane), so if they balance it correctly against SCK and WDP and Emperor’s jade capacitor, it won’t really impact people’s builds
I’ll try focus my attention on this ability rather than all the other issues, which is tough because my exasperation on how the devs handle this spec leaves me vexed.
This ability is fine in theory, but in practicality it is just another button that wont change anything for us. If we had to write down all WW issues and then point to which one this ability addressed, I think we would struggle to find how this new addition connects to our class in a meaningful way and would find it impossible to see how it helps our spec start performing more competitively (unless its just over tuned).
Now if this ability used sqr scaling or it opened up the conversation for how our AoE scaling is a mess then maybe it would have some use, but its not really going to help us, its just going to hijack a movement ability and turn it into a rotational damage ability. (funnily enough they removed the damage element from FSK just recently *facepalm).
If you are up for a challenge, please explain to me how this helps WWs. The way I see it is that at best its will be another divisive talent that does ‘ok’ damage, at worst it’s a distraction to buy developers another few months of feeling like they don’t need to address some of the more major issues. Neither of which help the class in a meaningful way.
Cool animation though.
It’s a very cool ability that has a cool visual and I hate it for Windwalker. If I wanted to have movement for damage I’d play a Demon Hunter.
It locks you in place while you channel, making it almost useless for anything but planned and controlled movement, no more FSKing out of danger and stopping when your safe or to avoid going off a cliff, hope you positioned and measured correctly.
It’s a great ability in Plunderstorm and would probably be quite fun in PvP, but we shouldn’t be getting an ability from a PvP limited-time minigame that has nothing to do with Windwalkers or Monks.
You can just choose not to take it. It wont replace FSK if you dont talent into it. It’s also replacing a almost never used talent too, so no big loss there either. This won’t be a problem unless you choose to make it a problem.
Now, whether or not you think it should be for WW or not is a debate I can get my teeth in. I personally think it’s perfect for WW. There is a lot about monk in wow that didn’t feel very Kung Fu to me, and this feels super Kung Fu. I am looking forward to playing with it. Now, whether it will be good or not is another question but from what I have seen on the PTR it might be pretty strong.
Never in my life did I think I would agree with you but you are correct this move has zero business on Monk in any fashion.
It is still bugged and won’t register damage if the target is moving. It cause you to pause while channeling. And biggest concern it yet again stops our AutoAttacks… As if we didn’t proc trinkets and enchants that require autoattacks here is another move on monk that is stopping those procs from happening.