Hi! I’m really hoping to find a guild that is dedicated to or heavy on slice of life based roleplay. Some examples of what I’m looking for include: Taverns, entertainers, caravans, merchants, explorers, researchers, educational institutions, social clubs, event planners, diplomatic organizations, craftsman, settlers, charity organizations, and anything else along those lines. I know there are a lot of server events that fill this niche, but it’s just not the same, especially when you don’t already have in game connections.
I would also be ok with a guild that has a mix of events so long as it’s a 50/50 split between combat and non-combat events.
I’d be making a new character so I can tailor them to fit into just about anything.
Thank you!
Tirisfal Theatre Troupe immediately comes to mind
The Sunreavers might fit this niche
Kunbo’s guild might fit this (I forgot what they’re called I’m sorry!!)
My guild might fit this - we have two main events a week which can sometimes be combat focus or not. Recently the guild had a storyline setting up a settlement. We also have a weekly social event, otherwise we aren’t really a full-time slice of life guild but aren’t always a combat focus either.
Otherwise good luck with the search! I know there was/is Caravan guilds on WRA but I can’t recall names or unsure if they are still active these days.
I am interested in this sort of guild set up. House guild and military themed makes zero sense for my current character pair. A good slice of life set up sharing calendar events with others would be a great set up.