Sleep bug?

Can any one tell me if I am missing something here, I tried to use the new pet "Elmer"s “food coma” ability (100% hit chance and puts the target to sleep for 2 rounds).

Scorched earth was active.

Used against a mechanical (Gyrexle which is part of Cymre brightblades team).

Elmer was level 13 (doing it to level him) the rest of the team 25.

Gyrexle gets the sleep animation the Zzzs and the noise then instantly the sleep debuff turns to the immune to stuns buff and he doesn’t lose a round at all.

What am I missing here or am i correct that this is not working as intended?

Edit: also this happened 2 times, the first time I wasn’t paying attention until i realised gyrexle hadn’t lost a round (or 2) as he was meant to so forfeited healed and tryed again to see what was happening and the same thing happened…

It’s the Scorched Earth that did it. Food Coma is “Breaks on Damage” and damage from weather effects breaks it just as surely as an attack from your pets.


Thank you so much! I felt like it had to be something like this that I was missing! I really appreciate the response <3