Slayer Fury: Let's Talk Execute

It’s no secret that execute feels rather underwhelming to Fury Warriors. Even speccing into the Slayer Hero tree you don’t care about Sudden Death, you don’t care about Execute. All you care about is occasionally using Execute to consume Marked for Execution. EDIT: Now that 11.1 is requiring Slayer to spec into Sudden Death I think this is a significant issue

Two main points I’d like to address:

  1. Frustrations of Marked for Execution
  2. Make Sudden Death more compelling and exciting

Marked for Execution

These are frustrating for a couple of reasons.

  1. In target swapping environments like M+ they often get applied to multiple targets, and while cleaving executes will consume the marks they do not grant you any of the damage or bladestorm cooldown bonuses associated with them.
  2. They are streaky as hell making it very easy to munch procs beyond a 3 stack and frustrating to consume among your normal priority when they go crazy and then go silent for the next 20 seconds.
  3. There were all kinds of issues with how these marks applied and were consumed through beta, and while many were improved we’re still dealing with issues now in the live game.

In light of that I would like to propose Show No Mercy and Unrelenting Onslaught be completely decoupled from Marked for Execution. Leave the Slayer’s Dominance as a simple single target damage bonus. Which leads me to my second part.

Sudden Death

Instead tie Show No Mercy and Unrelenting Onslaught to Sudden Death procs.

  1. It removes a lot of jank associated with how marks are applied and consumed
  2. It puts the focus on Sudden Death and making sure that those Execute always feel powerful
  3. It would make Sudden Death be a talent you actually want to take beyond pure single target - which kind of feels like it should be part of the point of the Execute focused hero tree
  4. It separates some balancing between AoE and Single Target for execute bonuses

Obviously Sudden Death procs more than consuming three marks. So I understand the effects might have to be reduced slightly to compensate for the increased frequency. But honestly with how weak execute is I’m not even sure they need to be nerfed at all lol.

I am also ok with not every execute being powerful as Slayer Fury, but I definitely think every single Sudden Death proc should be.

Honorable Mention: Let Execute stack Slaughtering Strikes.


Right now Execute is barely worth hitting. Even if you have three stacks. We’d rather send a big juicy Blood bath or stack some Raging Blows before wasting a global on execute.
So I like your idea to make it more worthwhile.


With the change to the Slayer tree requiring us to spec into Sudden Death in 11.1 I feel like this is more important than ever to make those procs feel good instead of everything being tied to these Marks (which are still fairly clunky)

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I mentioned it another post, but really wish Execute was a rage dump. Let improved execute for fury enrage you on use and do x% more damage based on targets missing hp.

Beyond Execute just being a mediocre button at the moment. When I think back to times when Execute was good there was also a prevalent theme that’s been lacking since Dragonflight:

Execute was designed to fully replace Raging Blow when it was available.

Since Dragonflight Raging Blow has had so many ridiculous effects tied to it while Execute has NONE of them. There needs to be a better balance pass here, both in the raw power of execute AND how it interacts and enhances the rest of your kit like Raging Blow and Bloodthirst currently do.

As a Slayer Fury warrior nothing would please me more than to sideline Raging Blow as my last priority and focus on Rampage, Bladestorm, and Execute. But the talent tree simply does not enable that in a competitive, or I’d argue engaging, way.

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I like big Bonks and I cannot lie.

Make execute great again.

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