As far as I can tell, it’s a pet for layer 2, a toy for layer 4, a title for layer 6, and a mount for layer 8. So that’s, what? 3 hours per layer?
I mean, I’m glad it’s optional content (other than the fact that it’s needed to progress the story) but man, they have really made everything about this expansion unrewarding. Where are the carrots on the stick in SL?
Why would I even bother with this thing? I like Torghast but not for 3 hours a pop, with nothing to show short of a full completion, and even then those rewards are super lame. I guess the mount’s cool, except the benefit of it is that I can mount in an area that I don’t play anyway…
This is just such an empty expansion. At least Islands had value. Tons of mounts, tons of pets, a doubloon currency (eventually), and a crap ton of new xmog models and colors. At least give me some more recolored stuff, or throw the island expedition rewards into this thing, or something that gives me incentive to put time into this.
Shadowlands right now seriously feels like someone at Blizzard HQ went “what if it was Diablo, without any interesting drops and the ones we do have can be super infrequent?” and it stuck for whatever reason.
This wasn’t tested and is unbeatable.
- Every anima power I received from floors 16-18 said “Placeholder text” and did not provide any powers.
- The floor 18 boss does 55k damage per bolt and 22,000+ per melee attack to my 206 ilvl DK. Once I used my two interrupts, there was nothing else I could do but die. Glad I spent 2.5 hours on this quest.
I am utterly mind blown that they chose not to even add catchup for this questline, nor did they make it account-wide. It’s just stupid.
you should have said, “Blizzard, you’re too kind to me, really - please stop” lol
My first run, I got those platform-and-chain levels all the way up to floor 12 (where my run ended). One of the anima powers slightly changed my jump distance and all my accumulated muscle memory sabotaged me coming back down the chains, costing me 2 needless deaths. I died twice more to trash on a grapple platform where I got swarmed the moment I arrived and my attempts at crowd control failed miserably. Almost managed to beat the floor 12 boss the first time, but I didn’t fully understand the boss’ mechanics and with my health bouncing wildly up and down, it only took a single mistep and a single missed healing proc to doom me. Last attempt, I just completely flubbed everything right from the start (I was getting a bit tired) and couldn’t recover.
I knew it was highly unlikely I would succeed on the first attempt and it feels like it was doable, but it was still draining and demoralizing. As much as I desire the collectables, challenge modes really aren’t my cup of tea. So I’ll probably leave that content to a different audience for now.
(disclaimer: not a complaint)
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As Maizou pointed out above, you can [possibly] do floors 1-6 3x over, and get the 3 clues needed. So that would be one way to break it up. However, you will have to clear all 18 floors to access Layer 2, and so on for all the subsequent layers.
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Kyrian vengeance DH… you’ll see how much easier it gets ; and there are great anima powers,mlike one that makes Imprison foce the mob to fight along you instead of being imprisoned. You can control any elite, and he will almost kill everything by himself. The ability is a 1 minute long and has a CD of 45 seconds, you can control the elite over and over.
A screenshot of me with my Lord of Torment pet : subefotos . com/ver/?5e4e11536ff06a3df1dfc39dcad8f642o . jpg
when the minute goes off I controlled him again . I controlled one elite on each floor, that made things way easier.
I really, really hope that’s the case!
I’m currently on floor 18 staring at a 2.58 million HP boss with 81 anima powers.
Get’ in dere - show him who’s the real boss!
Yes , it’s a mount that you can use in the maw, and all your characters can use it
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Naw. I still won’t go past layer 1 each week. I just don’t have that much time to kill stuff endlessly. I’d rather pvp and do dungeons. Please put soul ash in the great vault so we can get it someplace besides Torghast.
He hit me for over 45k lol.
Why is there no partial rewards? Like 35 anima for each floor. Demotivating to suffer several hours and wipe on last floors.
Couldn’t do it, boss was hitting for over 50k at one point. Maybe when I get better gear.
This is only layer 1 by the way.
I had no problem as BM, I was just falling asleep by floor 13. It also looked like i was at a rave with all the powers going off.
I don’t have a pet and rogue powers are garbage.
well complain more to blizzard for all this way out of whack balance. some classes can breeze by, while others have to work 10X harder.
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Woah, slow down. It took them this long to put in something that should have been there at launch. My guess is don’t hold your breath on basic balance for at least another month or two, and don’t even think about any somewhat major balancing until 9.1 or 9.2.