Slaughterhouse stacks

Hey, I feel that the recent nerf to Slaughterhouse is ok to a certain point: 12 stacks (instead of 8) it’s fine and along with it, a loss of 4% of the healing reduction is gone. Before it was 8 stacks of 5% each (8 x 5 = 40, 40% was the healing reduction), now each stack was reduced to 3% so 12 stacks x 3% = 36% is the current healing reduction, that’s absolutely fine. It’s just there’s no point on the 12 stacks because the debuff doesn’t get refreshed anymore so once you reach the 12 stacks, the debuff is already expiring if you stay on the target, I tried with the training dummy and once I apply the 12th stack, Slaughterhouse has like 1 secons left of it’s duration so I don’t know :confused:

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Arms has a permanent 25% ms with a 25s cd on a 50% ms. You could be a man and play arms


Fury needs to frick off back to PVE where it belongs


To me it sounds like they want fury to be the more healy warrior while arms is the more anti heal warrior for pvp. I was expecting them to nerf the heals on fury but it looks like they are just reducing its pressure from anti heal

I’d have preferred if stacks rolled. Like, first Rampage applies a 12% ms for 12, then you’d apply a second one at 6 seconds, increasing it to 24%, and 6 seconds later the first one would fall off and it’d be back down to 12% so it’d kind of flow up and down between 12% and 36%.

Perma 40% was too much, but current change also feels not really ideal.

I’m not really sure what their vision of Fury is.

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Fury shouldn’t have ms period, count your blessings.

If you know what their vision is please explain…

Because all i see is blizz nerfing furrys anti heal

I agree remove slaughterhouse.

I play warrior and I was always arms, why can’t fury have a place in the pvp scenario? I’m also paying for the game like you are, I think I am entitled to play what I want if as long as I am not trolling as tank. Or what do you prefer? To see 3 classes in arenas only and no variety? What you wanna fight? Shadow priest and Demo locks only? Think before talking please