SL the alt killer

Alts are supposed to be fun. No longer, I am currently trying to raise Koritha/archive rep on 3/4 toons and it is sucking all my will to play. First it was the long cov. campaign, hours upon hours of boregahst for leggos, now Im supposed to do 6 dailies hunt rares that fall over in a matter of seconds for abysmal amounts of currencies/rep, on any toon I want to do content with. Unless you are no life’n it progress is just way too slow for such a low item level

Not to mention the whole catch up gear. Armament drops are almost nonexistent, and the time it takes to upgrade is insane. Probably better of just farming M0/+2’s. But cant really upgrade that way due to cap. 226 shouldn’t be so hard to achieve, seeing how that was a +10 vault reward for LAST season.

I just want to play my alts, but the requirements to play said alts in any type of content besides wq’s and callings is just absurd.


t6 codex is account wide so yeah you don’t need to grind it on all your toons. just get enough for conduit upgrades. stop whining. you’re still 213, you’re clearly not doing any sort of content that requires you to min max. Korthia only offers you sockets and conduits. That’s going to be such minor dps to someone like you who likely could get hundreds/thousands of dps just by playing better. If you hate korthia just stop doing it. You’ve done a solitary 2 key this late into the patch, it’s not like stopping korthia is going to keep you from getting CE or KSM. You’re clearly not getting either regardless


Flour is right, it’s account wide and the only thing you need for upgrades is research. You can casually gather that for now, since we’re gated behind renown on the 230+ upgrade.

Don’t burn yourself out doing multiple characters a day. Also, you must have really bad luck on armaments because I have a bank toon drowning in them. I haven’t bought a single one with stygia, so everything has been from rares and looting nest/cache.

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“iT SoUnDs LiEk yOu wAnT a 2Nd mAiN…”

To make an alt viable, you basically have to treat them like a main.

  1. Campaign (for soulbinds)
  2. Conduits (acquisition)
  3. Legendary Memories
  4. Legendary (creating)
  5. Conduits (upgrades)
  6. Gearing

It’s a mountain of work.

I would make it less daunting by adding a conduit vendor that sells every conduit for Korthia Research.

He would sell an item that would enable you upgrade a selectable conduit via Korthia Research.

I would add add an account-wide item at Research 6, that doubles Korthia Research drops.

It’d still be on you to catch up your Renown.


I mean I currently have 4 Alts, and one main. It’s not hard at all. Stop afking and drooling on yourself and get to work.

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I decided to just level a new alt - I’m having far more fun leveling in wod than playing the endgame on my alts. Not worth it.


No one is forcing you to farm rep. I my self am only doing the dailies and nothing more, even as a single toon. Farming extra rares and treasures is your own choice.

Casuals wanted gearing progression. This is that. You can absolutely choose to run M+, raid, or pvp as before. However, the Korthia gear is the replacement for the covenant gear.


See to me, WoW should have never been about alts. It use to be all about your main, but we all had an alt in leveling phase. Alts are fun to you with but never should be considered part of content or a reason to reduce the amount of time to go throw content. WoW is already dumb down and to fast as it is and no matter how fast you go through that content on an alt it’s only going to get even more boring.

Bfa was kind of annoying for alts. Sl just killed it. A bloody long maw start, cov farming, all the “I have to do x,y and z each day/week”

Can blizzard just go back to allowing us to having fun with all our characters and not just our mains…


It shouldn’t be work… It should just be fun to play.

There are too many systems now even for me to justify playing two toons. And I have a lot of time to play aside from work hours.

As soon as you play an alt, your main suffers. I get tired of having terrible RNG drops in mythic +.

I still wish they kept mythics the same as in legion, but idiots complained that gear was dropping too fast.

This game is supposed to be fun. Not another job to go to.


I agree. My main gripe is Torghast, because they force it upon every character and legendary. They fixed renown at least, because you get it more easily now, but Torghast is still required for legendaries. It’s especially painful for PvP alts that I have no wish to do any PvE on, or healers. Even on my main I’m so bored of it, I don’t even want to upgrade my legendaries further.

Torghast should have been required only for unlocking legendary upgrade tier, maybe even account wide, while creating individual legendaries should not require Torghast currency. Because it’s kinda fun doing it the first few weeks, but it overstays its welcome by a lot.

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Thankfully, you can get a 235 legendary on your alt without ever stepping foot into torghast via sending ash from your main.

Cinders is a very different story, however. :unamused:


My issue isn’t even with the systems. I do not mind working on my alts, so long as I’m not forever behind. Korthia provided a very nice path to alt catchup, I feel. Legendaries are easy enough to get now. Getting an alt in a good-feeling spot isn’t hard, IMO.

I actually really like this patch for alts, when it comes to gearing them.

But Korthia is ugly, the Maw is ugly, there isn’t a place in this patch that they want me to be that I enjoy looking at. That’s one factor for me, the horrid aesthetics.

Then there’s the fact that there’s absolutely no reason to play an alt. In 9.0 at least I had 4 separate stories to work on. In 9.1 it’s all one story, no matter what Covenant you picked.

The value for playing an alt casually is very low. There’s very little to experience or collect from doing so. Maybe if Covenant stuff was account-wide, that’d be a little different, but it isn’t. I can only use the xmog and mounts on the character that obtained them. That’s not enticing to me. Top that off with class flavor not being a thing anymore cosmetically and it’s honestly the biggest thing driving me away from playing the game lately.

Legion was the last time I felt like I had a reason to play an alt, personally.


I have to admit I all my years of playing, since 2006, this is the first expansion I have abandoned my alts entirely


Not only is it ugly, I get the distinct impression that the zone was designed to frustrate and annoy the playerbase.

Never have I encountered so many lips, ridges and rock walls that stop a character in their tracks. Or make them slide off.

Some are deceptively angled to make you launch off the side like a spazz.


I have stopped running Torghast long before I was able to gather any meaningful amount even on my main. I’m just so bored of it :persevere: I’ve used the very last bit a had to make 235 tank ring for this toon, and I have nothing left and no wish to come back there any time soon.

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I’m sorry man. I feel your pain.

Torghast should’ve never been tied to player power. But Blizzard didn’t have enough confidence with the experience for it to exist on its own.

The new torghast (with the box of things) is a more enjoyable experience… but that’s like me telling you that they added Coolwhip to a turd.


One reason Timeless Isle was so successful is that it was both small and easy to traverse. Also falling into water is much better than falling into a void.

But it was also incredibly pretty. It’s so obvious that they do not value art at Blizzard right now, whoever is in charge. It’s obvious from the gear sets to the environments.

Blizzard games had a time where art was their biggest feature. It still exists in the cinematics, but just in the cinematics. I mean, Bastion is a good-looking zone, but it’s probably the only one in the entire expansion, and it’s not even on par with any of the other expansion’s zones since Wrath. Like, they raised the polygon count, but can’t put effort into textures, it feels.

Everything about WoW lately feels like it was done by an incredibly small team who was pressed for time. Perhaps that’s the truth behind it, IDK. I just know that nothing they’re doing is synonymous with quality anymore. It feels like EA is behind the wheel.


This is likely because half the team was playing COD, while the working half was being harassed.

It really shows in the quality of work.


I also believe that Timeless Isle success was due to class design of the time as well. AoE was more effortless on many classes and there were no punishing mechanics. You could just go there and lay waste to those enemies.

These days, The Maw and Torghast are full of the new “stun lock into one shot” mechanics that just punish you. A lot of classes have become “de-homogenized” (read stripped) compared to MoP, which made them arbitrarily clunkier. Also AoE cap.