SL Story Hypothosis; Arthas is Anduin's real father

Tiffin was supporting the original deal. Varian was trying to negotiate.

Per Cdev, Tiffin supported the proper sum.

Tiffin was eventually known as a queen of the people, and she was the most adamant supporter of paying the Stonemasons’ Guild the initially agreed-upon sum.

In the comic Varian says their fees were excessive, nothing about sticking to the deal.

I agreed that the Stonemasons’ fees were EXCESSIVE but thought the amount offered by the council of nobles too-

Chronicle also says the Council of Nobles were not paying them.

But if the nations would remain vigilant against external threats, Lady Prestor decided to inflame internal conflict wherever she could. Her secret meddling in the rebuilding of Stormwind City had left the nobility unsatisfied with the craftsmanship of the Stonemasons’ Guild; meanwhile, the workers were enraged that the nobility were threatening to withhold payment for honest labor.
Lady Prestor played both sides, encouraging them to dig in their heels and never compromise, until the disagreements escalated into unrest. When the nobility announced that they would not be paying the Stonemasons’ Guild for their work, riots erupted.

Per Shaw’s report.

However, the nobles of Stormwind ran up a huge debt by expanding the kingdom’s military presence through Elwynn and into Stranglethorn. The massive debt crippled the kingdom’s economy and stripped VanCleef and his Stonemasons of their promised rewards. After spending years toiling to rebuild the glorious city, the Stonemasons were left broke, forgotten by the city’s corrupt officials.

Per Shaw himself.

The Defias Brotherhood exists for many reasons, but they would not exist without Onyxia.
The First War saw Stormwind razed to the ground. Edwin VanCleef led the Stonemason’s Guild in rebuilding the city. But when they were to be paid, the House of Nobles refused.
It was chaos at the time, but we now know how Onyxia, as Lady Prestor, worked behind the scenes. She convinced the House that the Stonemason’s work was poor, and they were being ripped off.
Then, she went to the Stonemasons and convinced them that the House of Nobles despised them and would never pay them their due.

Report by Baros Alexston.

For perspective, I shall begin with a bit of history. As you may or may not know, my service to the city of Stormwind began as a member of the Stonemasons’ Guild. Through years of work, we completed the rebuilding of Stormwind, at which time the Stonemasons’ Guild bills and fees and salaries left unpaid and unspoken for.
At that time, Edwin VanCleef had been elected Guildmaster of the Stonemasons, and spoke out, demanding restitution for our works. In response, the Stormwind House of Nobles ordered the Stonemasons’ Guild disbanded, which, understandably, angered VanCleef. Leading a riot, VanCleef led the Stonemasons out of the city.

Green Hills of Stranglethrone page 5

In the years that followed, after Stormwind betrayed the Stonemasons’ Guild, Sir Erlgadin grew bitter about the role of the nobles within the Kingdom. He no longer wished to uphold the position that his father’s bloodline had earned for him in the House of Nobles.

They weren’t being paid the original deal.


That was from Vanilla. This is from The human heritage questline. Note how he says “we now know” so it was Onyxia herself spreading misinformation. So even Shaw was duped on what really happened.

It was chaos at the time, but we now know how Onyxia, as Lady Prestor, worked behind the scenes. She convinced the House that the Stonemason’s work was poor, and they were being ripped off.
Then, she went to the Stonemasons and convinced them that the House of Nobles despised them and would never pay them their due.

Again, we have 7 lore sources saying they weren’t paid what was owed. And that Varian was negotiating. We have none saying he was paying the original deal.

The thing is, Shaw was right per all the other sources. They weren’t being paid. Also the quote from Shaw was from the level 50 quest. The report is from Vanilla.


And your lore sources are out of date. I am pretty sure Chronicles talks about this abit more but I just left my house.

Regardless, the entire mess is now blamed on Onyxia. Without her the masons would have been paid and there would not be a riot.

Which makes said report suspect considering Onyxia was still alive in Vanilla and pretty much making sure the truth was hidden

No they aren’t, they all agree.

I literally quoted Chronicle, are you blind?

I quoted Chronicle, the level 50 heritage quest, Cdev, the Comic, Shaw’s Vanilla report, Baros’ report, Green Hills.

They all agree, the Stonemasons were being cheated. And there’s no source about Varian paying the original deal.

The level 50 quest literally says Onyxia manipulated things! What a liar.

Nobody ever said Onyxia didn’t manipulate people, that doesn’t change the fact Varian didn’t honor the original deal. You know, the original thing were talking about?

Nothing says Varian was paying the original deal. He was cheating them. He agreed with the corrupt, manipulated nobles.

Know your lore. It is all there to see. Cold hard quotes.

Varian was trying to honor the original deal but by the time he tried to get both sides to see reason it was too late and the Stonemasons had already rioted because they felt cheated/wanted an unreasonable amount more. Learn your lore.

Not what the lore says. Quotes all say otherwise. He was cheating them.

You can read above or below.

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There is no lore it was Varian trying to cheat them and any blame for non payment was always directed at the house of nobles.

If he didn’t pay them the original sum, he cheated them.
He didn’t pay them the original sum.
He actually helped the House of Nobles try to make a lower payment.

How could he pay them the original sum when by the time he was trying the riot had already started that killed his queen?

Because the time he spent meditating, he could have just paid outright.

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Because he couldnt pay them the original because the masons wanted MORE then what was agreed.

Where’s the source?

Everything I quoted says they weren’t paid their due. What source says the Stonemason’s altered the deal?

Chronicles. Again I am at work. I will give you the quote later.

I just read Chronicle about it. I even quoted it three times.

But if the nations would remain vigilant against external threats, Lady Prestor decided to inflame internal conflict wherever she could. Her secret meddling in the rebuilding of Stormwind City had left the nobility unsatisfied with the craftsmanship of the Stonemasons’ Guild; meanwhile, the workers were enraged that the nobility were threatening to withhold payment for honest labor.
Lady Prestor played both sides, encouraging them to dig in their heels and never compromise, until the disagreements escalated into unrest. When the nobility announced that they would not be paying the Stonemasons’ Guild for their work, riots erupted.

If there’s a different section I overlooked, we’ll see.

Apperently it was the comics and not Chronicle:

Varian agreed that the Stonemasons’ fees were excessive, but felt the amount offered by the council of nobles was too stingy. In retrospection, Varian realized that the nobles were unduly influenced by Lady Katrana, and later suspected that half of each side had been ensorcelled by Prestor.

I quoted that too.

Again, I’ve referenced everything. It doesn’t say the Stonemasons changed the deal. It says Varian agreed with the Nobles in the sense of not paying the deal. He just thought they were too low.

And I know chronicles says they wanted more money. I will find it later.