SL Melee 3v3 Difficulty/Skillcap Tier

Easy Tiger, this is a family forum


Generally the equation for skill cap is pretty simple as you just take the classes that have the most utility, and those are the ones that should be put at the top of the list.

The more your class can do the higher potential is has to be useful in the arena. So putting Windwalker near the bottom is silly because they probably have more utility than any melee in the game in terms of how they can contribute to your team winning and losing. Off healing, dispelling poisons, ropping defensively and offensively at the right time, using mobility defensively at the right time (this being the biggest one). Windwalker is really squishy but their defensive potential is insane when you add their mobility with port in to the equation. Lining up damage at the right time on Windwalker definitely takes an awareness, as well as using reverse harm on the right people at the right time, etc. Feral is really similar to Windwalker in this regard. Ret has a lot of unique utility as well but there is almost no lining up of damage, it’s just kind of always there as long as you have wings.

I also think with the utility warriors are getting back (spell reflect, intervene, and ignore pain) knowing how to use those things at the right time will make it really easy to feel the difference between good and bad warriors much in the same way you can really feel the difference between good and bad Death Knights. I swear some DK’s don’t know how good Death strike is.

Assassination you literally just garrote rupture kidney and run. I’m not sure how it could possibly be harder to play than Windwalker or Ret.

Yea but supa is a guardian reroller basically all of BFA… hes probably a bit too fried to take at face value lol…

the guys job is literally to analyze and talk about wow arena. pretty reliable source

are you worried about the state of ret going into SL? seems like there are conflicting opinions. some people like supatease are saying it’s going to be good (i believe he placed it A tier) while skillcapped put it at B tier and savix says that ret is just really bad.

Originally, when deciding which melee to main for SL, i was leaning towards ret. Seems like it’s a good balance of burst and utility. but some of what I’ve heard has made me weary and wondering if i should just go with dk or rogue.

i’d like to hit 2.4, but i’m not going to pretend like i’m any good. so an easier class is probably my best bet. Ret is intuitive for me but seems like you’d have to be in the upper echelon of skill to make it work. whereas frost dk just seems kinda faceroll.

is sub harder than most other melee?

Ya thats a fair point

You mean lower skill floor because they’re easier to do well with?

High skill ceiling = Hard to master
Low skill ceiling = Easy to master
High skill floor = Hard to pick up
Low skill floor = Easy to pick up

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Ret won’t be s tier in scooby doo but probably A tier for sure in that comp. It’s extremely potent

Oh you’re right. Brain fart.

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Don’t worry, DH is much the same.

ret has mixed opinions because people don’t like our core issues not being addressed (mobility)

most rets understand our damage is going to be busted but it’s frustrating because we’ve seen this dance before; ret will obviously be extremely overturned then heavily nerfed and go back to being a wheelchair like it was all of bfa and that’s not enjoyable, which is why savix is not a fan


melee is for brain dead people.

im smart, and have a very large brain, so i stand back and press g pie . its very hard to aim my finger on the gpie button. . melee wish they can be this intelligent . they just faceroll on keyboard and do 9 millions dps

yes, and chaos bolt takes 900iq to press