SL Item Levels (as of 10/3)

Yeah this is plain stupid. Farming the same content over and over just to boost the ilvl with each patch.

For some reason, doing that in PVP for PVP gear never bothered me, I loved it.


Update for 9/16.

This is a pretty big nerf to the rate of gearing from mythic dungeons relative to how it is now.

Mythic+ End of Dungeon Chest (187 for m2 to 210 for m15)
Only one reward per dungeon. In other words, only one person gets loot.

Weekly Vault
Raids (item level depends on raid difficulty)
Mythic+ (200 for m2 up to 226 for m14)
Conquest (item level depends on rating)

It’s unfortunate that Blizzard is nerfing mythic dungeons like that. I’m guessing that M+15 will still be much easier than getting 2,400 so hopefully its playerbase doesn’t collapse like the PvP side did.

The two numbers for the raids, the second number is the ilvl for the last boss? Hopefully that’ll only be one or two items total and not a huge concern.

I’ll be honest, the gearing situation looks kind of bad. The only thing that might get me to stick around is if there are trophies that will upgrade all our gear upon hitting 2,400 or something.

edit: by the way, thank you so much for taking the time to put this list together, it incredibly helpful.

shouldnt be able to do an m+ and rock pvp thats the problem

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Update on world quests. I’m seeing some 196 item level rewards from world quests now. I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but that is better than fully upgraded honor gear (which would take a stupid amount of effort to do, as is).

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9/18 update.

Seeing item level 200 rewards for some one-and-out world quests. World quests scale with renown and item level. Not sure if a bug or not.

It’s a lot of work/time to get renown high, but you are going to be doing that anyway to unlock the full conduit tree. If world quests reward items better than fully upgraded honor gear then it’s counterproductive to “grind” honor. Just concentrate on conquest and take whatever honor you get along with that.

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9/20 update.

World quests are consistently giving 200 item level rewards with 190 item level and 40 renown. A covenant calling (similar to emissary) has given a 203 item level reward.

Dungeon bonus event chest (complete four mythics) gives a 213 item level reward.

World bosses give 207 item level rewards.

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Thank you for taking the time to relay all this information. Hopefully Blizzard adds a way to increase renown through PvP.

You have to be joking! WQ’s are better than 6 days /played and n BG’s!?

This has to be a joke.

may or may not be intended, WQ drops scale to your ilvl live, once you are past the aspirant ilvl they do drop better than bg gear.

This system has become more complete with the last beta patch.

You can get covenant armor which can be upgraded up to 197 item level, ATM. It requires progress in the covenant campaign and anima. Progressing in the campaign is something you will be doing anyway since it is a good source of renown to level your conduit tree.

BTW: the current system makes trying to grind out honor levels for gear a total waste of time for everything except the trinkets.

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So the RP vendors got gear with set bonuses?

It’s like there are three or four different itemization teams that are all forbidden to talk to one another.

Massive thanks tho for taking the time to show us this and make the video!