Most of you already know this, but it needs to be repeated.
SL is the epitome of what greed is. Activision has mastered their game in the worst way. They are producing a poor quality product and slimmed down their cost of development. Not only have they cut back on expenses but have maximized profits on a subpar product by enticing token sales. This company is feeding of FoTM addicts, miserable gear grinds, and pathetic pvp content.
All this is very true, yet these tycoons are smart. They realize we are onto them and their greed. They will regurgitate content from previous xpacs over and over, until they dry that well clean. They understand that an xpac like SL is only short term profits. Most players will tire of this nonsense after 1 xpac and token sales will slow down as content doesn’t match up.
It honestly wasn’t as bad as bfa was as far as gold spending or feeling like they are driving towards the purchasing of their tokens to get items in the game. Bfa made me feel very very poor lol. The reputation rewards felt awfully unreasonable.
I don’t think they are doing a good job of hiding their motives at this point. They know what they got and will exploit it, but they have to walk a fine line.
The OP isn’t wrong. There is truth in what they say. It really isn’t that far fetched to think they were sitting around the table coming up with ideas to “encourage” people to sell tokens. This whole expansion is just riddled with bad ideas and poorly executed visions.
They stopped caring and are now just milking the franchise as much as possible before it dries up.
Most of the customers might not be directly affected by the internal stuff…but that reputation will make it hard to get the talented developers and the ones they got are probably looking for better jobs/workplaces.
Yeah thats what completely turns me of from this version of MT…buy all the gear and consumables from old expacs in order to exploit this, obviously, intended scaling failure.
(most likely intended so people buy tokens to pay for the old stuff)
When retail gear is as good as any gear ill have a go at it…but i already got all the legion MT druid skins and wont be using a werebear with some green neonpaint splattered on it anyways ^^
Literally every actaul raiding guild since like vanilla ever has had the opportunity to sell carries.
It lets you efficiently cover raiding/maintenance costs while also having fun. Why farm herbs or stare at AH numbers when you could effectively do an alt raid with some buddies and earn a stack of gold?
Like, what is this post? Have you ever raided? Been in a guild? Do you even play the game?