SL flying more punitive than Pathfinder

The forums love melodrama.

Also, it’s Sunday.

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Apparently they also love false information. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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It’s been a good few years for false information . . .


Why let research get in the way of being mad?


you mean the free to play ones?

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Worst one as when the forums were going to require us to post using our real names and he defended the decision by showing how little consequence there would be by he himself revealing his real name…

…poor man.


Sure has been a lot of bad and lazy trolls recently. It is Sunday though so I guess I should have expected it.

What exactly happened after he did that?

It’s been a while, but if I remember correctly, people essentially doxxed him. They found where he lived, etc and proved it to him. That pretty much nixed the whole Real ID thing.


Um, where did you see this part? The guide didn’t give me any such impression.

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No, you don’t need another 40 levels like op claimed.

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ah…I see.

:laughing: Says the person still playing 3 expansions later after experiencing, in your own words:

I’m not telling you to quit or to stay, but these statements do raise the point that your complaints are probably insincere at best.

I really wish blizzard would Nerf the GD Forum.

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Yes, Blizzard is purposefully denying you flying so that everyone will quit. Truly this is all part of their master plan to save the world from wow (this game is a PRISON) by shattering the world into several zones you can’t fly in.

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Based MMO player states she doesn’t have time doing meaningless work in one of the most convenient MMO’s.

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If alts will need to be level 60, then that’s really it for me.

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Those are the keywords there.

Well look at you being all edgy!

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