I logged on today to do some transmog hunting in Sanctum of Domination, and noticed that all the Covenant Campaign sets were somehow completed (all 4 armour types)… except Venthyr…
Now for each covenant I have one toon who finished the campaign: Monk in Night Fae, Druid in Necrolord, Warrior in Kyrian, and Shaman in Venthyr. I also have a hunter who completed Night Fae.
So up until last I checked I had the campaign sets for the corresponding armour types only (leather set for necrolord etc).
Very happy to see that somehow all the others have been rewarded without having to buy them all, but am super curious about why this didn’t happen for Venthyr: only the mail Campaign set is completed. The cloth, leather and plate sets are unrewarded.
Any thoughts? Anyone else have this unusual situation? Have I missed something obvious?