SL: covenant abilities as new talents, covenants as ordinary factions

Shadowlands Suggestions

Keep things simple when it comes to SL’s Covenants.
Make the Covenant abilities a new talent row.
The talents open up as you level your character from 50 to 60.

For the Covenants themselves, treat them as normal factions.
Have a regular reputation grind like those normal factions.
(a month, month and half of dailies to exalted.)

For the players who want Covenants to have an expansion
long impact on their characters, have an expansion long
grind for mounts and cosmetic gear that you earn provided
you’re loyal to that Covenant for a long enough period of time.

How do we retain our players then?
Instead of working on yet another azerite/artifact power like grinding system
allocate those resources on content creation. (More dungeons, Raids
Battlegrounds, Arenas, New types of npcs mechanics, unique
dailies, etc)

It’s understandable to want player choice to matter when it comes to choosing a Covenant ability. I agree 100%. With the Covenant abilities as a new talent row players still have to make those tough choices, BUT at least it’s not as punishing.

Now if they make a mistake picking a Covenant ability they can just respec easily and continue playing the game the way they like to play the game.

Thank you for reading :slight_smile: