Greetings, friend. It’s good to see some other AFN players around.
Penlen - Human Warlock
Played on Skywall until TBC, when I moved onto Mal’Ganis. I’ll be jumping back into WoW for the first time in a decade for classic.
Magic #1990
Daco| Night Elf | Rogue
Eternal Union| Inner Sanctuary | Hand of Valor
Looking to connect with old friends and acquaintances from Skywall, especially those of you from Eternal Union. You can reach me on the B-Net App @ Cayd#1277.
I had some alts you may recognize as well, notably Mission(Human Mage) and Dako (Dwarf Warrior) .
See a few names I recall already, Bavry, Fishermann, Tisha, Monorid, and Basketcase.
Varix 60 Prot Warrior
Guild: Knights of the Blackrose
We were the only Australian raiding guild on the server, who had Kixx on a few times when he was drunk in the early hours of the US mornings (how could you forget us mate :P)
Would love to hear from ex guildies or anyone else that remembers us.
Smoe the Human Warlock here. Never really left.
Shout out to Mavelyn, Xenmas, Nypiir, Tonzon and all of the
Hit me up!
Somehow posted this on a random character. This is the real Smoe
I certainly remember Machinshin, Bakaderka here, old night elf priest. Joined Power and Glory first then followed to Immix.
Ghettomagic doesn’t really play anymore since they took away 1 button macro’s. Also, the kid was attention hungry and not really friendly. Kind of bad for the community. I’m sure he will be black listed if he shows up, unless he finds a group friends that are exactly like him. Timesink was on the horde side. Might find them over there.
Heck yeah, who else was gonna give people blessing of kings lol. Good times, glad to see you still around! Agreed that I would like to see Mahma or Neversleep again. Any old guildies can add me: Sharkbyte#11373
Ghettomagic actually chilled out a lot these days so I’m told, I hear he’s doing well. I mean, this WAS 15 years ago
Heya peeps this is Testor from back in the day…Was off-tank with MA (Malice Awakened) and then helped with starting up Loot The Hound. Many great memories and I have played off and on since the classic days. This Tag is actually the old “Twink” created in Loot The Hound. Send me a reply to catch up as we get closer to the launch date.
Oh yeah? Told by who? For all we know, you are actually Ghettomagic on an alt, trying to build his reputation up. That kid is a clown and has no respect!
Hambuns and Magebabe checking in
Dwarf Priest
My brother Vyse and I played through it all. I messaged Lily and Ignites to see if they’re going to play. Not sure about Mii.
Test! Dude I remember when we were in LTH together! Mostly played on Korin(NE Hunter)
Hey man how’s it going? Great to see you here. A couple of the people I know from back then are rolling toons on Mankrik server. Make sure you add at least one there to catch up with us. Hope all is well!
Skippers NE hunter, Sneakyman dwarf rogue, Docops dwarf warrior.
dont remember the guilds i was in but i remember alot of pvp end game on my warrior and hunter. lf more ghosts to turn to friends
BRO! i was just talking about you the other day to a buddy of mine. You disappeared in TBC on me you got to add me!
Oh ya know. Life took me away from the game for 6+ years. I came back for BFA, and well. Here we are
Hey I’m pretty sure we were in a guild together in classic. I was Einstine - Gnome Mage