Whats up dude Steelcutt saying Hi!
I think I went by Ahyb on a Night Elf Druid and my husband was Ortho a Human Paladin. It’s been so long. I was in a couple of guilds and don’t remember all the names. I remember doing a huge raid on Blackrock Mountain way back when. I remember playing with Panzers the Paladin, a Kixx, Tankman, and Anias? I have a couple of screenshots maybe someone remembers something from them.
P.S. Apparently I can’t post links
I was playing Bavry back then, lvl 60 Human Ret Paladin, was part of Eternal Union.
Xeneca - NE resto druid but some may know me by my TBC char Izri - Draeni enh shaman. Only played with my guildies from Vanilla to the end of TBC so those who know, know.
Guild: Immix Morality > Driven to Fail, oops I meant Driven to Conquer
Scootercai, Machinshin, Todo, Smorgy, Rocknrolf, Bigjohnson, Vestalvirgin, Gnomercy, Broknar, et al I forgot. if ya’ll out there, holla at me. I would say Eagleclaws and Uncreation, but after 14 years, I’m still in touch with those blowholes.
Also my very first low level guild Dragonborne. Lookin at you Oblahzero.
Human holy pally Arthansus, if anyone from metamorphosis is going to be playing hit me up.
that’s not cool how dare you call me a blowhole the only blowhole is uncreation worst warrior ever!!! what a noob.
LB!!! Dude I can’t wait to get back into Classic.
Must be Eagleclaws in diguise. Love you <3
Hey, I was a Gnome Mage named Basketcase in the guild Eternal Union. I joined at the beginning progression of AQ40 and went for a bit into Naxx progression! =D
I know he’ll never come back but a shot out to my boy Moonstar.
P.S. I never forgave you Beorin for giving up the guild and letting that trash in.
You get the gold for Worst Life-Decision Ever Made In A Game Ever
The early days of classic are fuzzy for me guild wise sadly and there are even fewer names that hop out from dusty old memories. This character once went by Deathgiver on Skywall, prot warrior for a few different guilds before joining up with The Chaotic Ascension/Alliance towards the end of Vanilla. Would love to catch up with anybody who recognizes/remembers me lol.
Edit: I evidently also ran with Natures Arm in 2005, and Avatar for a good chunk of 2006. Further note Ixix if you’re out there I miss ya you tiny lil rogue.
Hi Kixx, I still love you bb.
The Legend that is Omatre from Deep Run Trampz We’ll never die, we’ll just keep on rockin
Name - Unholyflame
Guild - Skywall Brethren
Rank 11 Commander
class - level 60 female human paladin
MC>BWL>AQ40>9 hours AV’s FTW
Rancooll, Human Paladin
-Lost Heroes of Azeroth
-Blue Yak
I’ll be playing Classic, say hi if you remember me!
PS. I doubt Aquilis will see this, but Ellennaric and I say hi!
How dare you question whether you played with us. We still remember Ortho’s robot mic.
Guild thread on the Skywall forum. That goes for all of you.
Kunglao NE rogue 60 white hair lol and also my bro Baraccus back in the day on skywall warrior Human 60 he was nailing the bgs and ranks. and my inlaw Revoku NE rogue 60. I remember a few people Akaenyce, Vampyrah, Greattoker(Dubb), Akeisha, Escapevapour,Mundus, msg us ill add you lol always wondered how I would reconnect with old school players on Skywall.
There wouldve been more just cant remember straight off the bat… I know there were a few.
Triplunar - 60 Holy Pally back then, raided with Aenima first then Invictus with some other peeps you guys may remember.
Where’s Ghettomagic at?
Nobody cares…