Skywall Alliance Reconnections

I may have some whiskey in me, but Erlang was Erl’s original character, and is Red’s hubby. Feel pretty confident.

Haven’t thought about Ferg for a minute! Wonder how that crazy guy’s doing.

Few others from some old raid videos that I just watched:
Izuraa (can’t believe I forgot Izzy!!!)
Apollo (and he was in the Army with me)
Draevila (Bob, finally!)

God, Schroeder was still cracking me up in the videos I just watched. I miss them all.

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Ah, I see the confusion. Their names are similar, but I promise they’re two different people. I knew their RL names. Erlang was a bit younger than Erl. Both paladins too.

Ferg is doing really well. Still seems just as crazy lol

So many names I had forgotten! Izzy, Apollo, Mithrin, Rune, and Schroeder were great. We had such a fun group in MC. Can’t forget Pie, Rukiachan, Color, Misty, Tullris, and Muscle!

Meant to reply to you with the last one.

I also want to add Chuckbucket to the list. He left the game far too soon, but he was missed!

Taki, ex-leader of “Haks Team” pvp guild back in the day. Hope everyone is doing well in life! Been forever. I think I’m going to be rolling on Stalagg, Alliance side if anyone wants to meet up and hang out. Add me. My BNET name is Krylancelo#1741!

Yeessss! Caigne!!! Hordes Bane lolllol ! Good times! Lifes good! Was going to be on whitemane but bigglesworth is too good not to play on!

Wait a minute.
This guy thinks hitting just glad only once makes him something.
Oh god.
You definitely are a Skywall player :<

Haha, I want to know Erl’s character name now. Just hit him up on facebook and he might be coming back with Red. So far on Myzrael the following are likely going to remake the guild for old-times sake:
Colornet, Neikon, Pie, Mystie, Toast, and myself. Trying to convince Red and Erl. Have feelers out for a bunch more.

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I remember you!
Bowedoak- NE Hunter.

Hey, baby!

He was a little kid, then. Like 14 or 15.

Awww… I think I hit a nerve.

Yup, and still acts the same.

Grats on your one time s5 glad… LOL

You’ve never even smelled how high I’ve been.

Stay small, stay second :wink:

You seem a little insecure.


Know your place

Hey man, it’s Taki (ex-GM and founder of Haks Team), gonna be rolling Alliance side on the Stalagg server if you want to join some people. Add me on BNET and I’ll get you into the discord and stuff. Krylancelo#1741

Veil! Long time no see friend! It’s Taki (ex-GM and founder of Haks Team), gonna be rolling Alliance side on the Stalagg server if you want to join some people. Add me on BNET and I’ll get you into the discord and stuff. Krylancelo#1741

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Hey there!

Just posting her for fun seeing who I find. I was a NE druid named Anaphetia on skywall server. I was in a few guilds and met a lot of people so if you remember me don’t be afraid to say hi, there’s some of you that I hope find me cause I really miss hanging out with you. Ryunoske and I will be playing classic so maybe we can meet up. Take care guys n gals <3

some (but definitely not all) of the people we remember names of those we are looking for:


to name just a few!

I also had a friend that was girl irl and she played druid it started with a K (memory foggy but you would know who you were)

and this is gonna sound weird but Ryunoske had a horde friend that would show up at the ironforge gates to visit him and duel. The name was almost exactly like ‘Ryunoske’ (so like Ryunosuke or something like that for example- but we remember you friend ^_^)

Good luck to everyone looking to reconnect!


Hello all,

Not sure if anyone remembers me from this server. I played a NE Rogue named Ryunoske. I sat around outside Ironforge dueling quite a bit, I also raided MC and BWL with 2 guilds under names I sadly forget. I also did a pick up raid late at night with xak’s midnight raids if anyone remembers that!

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Wow, Taki, good to see you again man! I will add you. Talk to you soon!