It is beyond ridiculous that Blizzard would set up this con for Kyrians to sell this rare summoning item for insane prices when it is essentially worthless. First off it has a cooldown listed on it which would imply its a permanent item when it is actually consumed on use. OH NO you missed the flying horse? Too bad buy another one. On top of that the mount isn’t even a guaranteed drop. This junk item should either be soulbound or a permanent use item.
I literally was so happy it was there and coughed up 40 k for it and yes as you say it said 5 min cd, so i though nice ill make my attempt. Got my buff went to the peak used my glider just missed and now its gone And I think I’m officially done .
Also wasted one and said screw it, i don’t need it.
This would piss me off to no end. I would be writing to support until I received some kind of help. This would cause some people to quit the game.
I hope you can get past this though! Maybe some good luck will come your way.
It’s a guaranteed drop if you use the glider yourself. It isn’t guaranteed for everyone else.
Still, it’s kind of rude that you lose the item if you miss. I suppose it won’t matter in the long run though, I can’t imagine the gliders being valuable for very long, since they’re supposedly easy to make they’re bound to get the Coalfist treatment once the initial rush is done.
No it isn’t, as someone who has done it, have the achievement to prove it, and solo’d the rare it did not drop. Joined in on an alt, still didn’t drop.
More on topic this mount rare is completely BS, where some rares require killing an average rare that is summoned every 20 mins with 100%. The mount that took months to finally be summoned, requires gold investment, and can be failed on multiple accounts (this rare is not easy) does not have 100% chance. It’s stupid.
All the Wowhead comments I’ve seen said it was a guaranteed drop for the person who used to the glider, and I’ve observed the person using the glider get it twice. This is the only time I’ve heard of the rider not getting it. Maybe you should post on Wowhead about it.
Wowhead comments also confirm it’s not 100%. Some people made the claim it was and others replied it isn’t
I believe it was hotfixed so if you use the glider it’s 100%. For everyone else it’s a small chance. Still sucks if you don’t stick the landing. I’ll wait until an alt has that ability so I don’t have to pay sky high prices for a chance to land on the horse. Doesn’t even matter if you have a 100% shot at the mount when a botched attempt ends in wasted gold.
Blizzard needs to come out and confirm the drop situation for the glider rider. Both times I tackled the mount the person using the glider got the mount.
Wait seriously? O.o
Didn’t a recent hot fix claim that the person using the glider just have a better chance…
Not 100% just increased drop rate.
Times like this when I’m so glad I’m going to have a toon in each covenant.
wait what…theres a market for this? lol
yeah having this special glider thing that can only be made by people in the bastion covenant is the only way to engage and kill sundancer rare in bastion. It can drop a mount and is needed for the achievement of killing all rare in bastion.
taps greedy little metallic fingers excellent
Meh glad I got mine I guess. As soon as I could craft it I went and got it. Didn’t know about weird drop rates and didn’t even imagine the possibility of MISSING the rare