Skyriding Vigor UI Not Disappearing

Occasionally after dismounting during Skyriding, the Skyriding Vigor UI does not go away. This has happened occasionally when flying into a dungeon portal while Skyriding, and usually either reloading UI or relogging fixes the issue, but no longer does. I have checked addon interference by turning them off one after another. I have re-mounted and dismounted. I have turned off ALL addons and still the problem persists.

This would normally be very minor, but this is now forcing some WeakAuras to never load due to the game thinking my character is Skyriding all the time. While it’s possible to have those auras load while Skyriding, this is clearly an issue with the base UI rather than an addon problem. Is there a fix for this somewhere? I attempted to search in the Tech Support forums for a similar thread but did not come by one.

Edit: Since writing this post, this has started affecting all of my characters. If I mount up to Skyride, the Vigor UI does not go away on any of them.

I’d still start by resetting, not just reloading the UI.

Then maybe put in a bug report

Quick search does show it pop up from time to time with no one particular reason, but for bug reporting you would need to reset your UI and test again with no mods to be valid.

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