Skyriding toggle ruins Druid Flight Form

Chiming in to say that druid form not having dynamic flight was a huge bummer in DF for me to the point where dropped it as my main and refused to play it.

Give people the choice if you must but please DO NOT REVERT


I rather like how they have it set up in dragonflight - I just put a dragonflight mount on my bar for when I want to travel long distances but I mostly just use my flight form. A lot more convenient than going into the book to toggle constantly - that will get annoying.

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you can’t do that in dragonflight - you have to land so why would they increase functionality. No one is asking for that.

You can right now, in Dragonflight, use Dragonriding to get into mid air, then instantly shift into Flight form while atop your Dragonriding mount. You’ll remain in the air, and have full control to move around as you please.

Being able to continue to do that would be retaining existing functionality, not increasing it. If they’re removing the ability to do that, they’re removing functionality, and it seems perfectly logical that that’s going to be annoying for players.


oh they told us we had to land so I have been - the change they made is annoying to me as well and I never did any of that. I agree there was no need to allow that.

Of course you can. I do it all the time.

/cancelaura Flourishing Whimsydrake /cast Travel Form

And while I find it to be a blast I also realize it’s kind of busted to be able to swap to Static Flight any time.

You do not have to land in Dragonflight. I swap to flight form mid-flight all the time for precision landings and harvesting.

Agree with the other sentiments, leaving standard flight form as is, and druids having to use a mount for Skyriding would be the better option if Druids can’t swap instantly. Or add another form toggle specifically for Skyriding.

Not really. It’s always been “better” in flight form, that’s always been kind of the point of flight form, it’s a perk. Instant cast, wherever we want as long as not in combat, etc.

The only reason this wasn’t included in any sort of patch note list is because they knew it would get exactly this kind of response, so they just snuck it in. It’s a class nerf, end of story. And it’s a massive QoL nerf, too. Doesn’t matter what YOUR or ANYONE’s perspective is, for the large majority of folks it’s removing a core functionality that’s existed for a LONG time. Without any mention whatsoever.

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It wasn’t done without any notice. It might not have been in developer patch notes, but it was announced two or three months ago in one of the developer event interviews.

That was before Dragon Riding though. Part of the tradeoff of getting the speed of Dragon Riding is it takes more skill to control. That’s why we have things like Aerial Halt.

Being able to get the benefits of Dragon Riding and the benefits of Static Flight at basically the same time instantly is busted.

No, it’s not busted. Not any more busted than being able to historically “unmount” in the air, and then turn into a bird instantly on the way down. Or jump off a cliff, and turn into a bird on the way down.

Forcing this behavior to have to completely ignore dragon riding is what’s busted. If they feel the need to keep this ridiculous five second toggle (which is way too long, any amount of non-instant time is enough), then there needs to be two bird form spells. One for static, and one for skyriding or whatever the heck this is now called.

Removing a feature that’s been basically available for forever just because of a new form of flying is absurd.

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How is having the speed of Dragon Riding and the control of Static Flying at basically the same time not busted?

A real issue I’m having is they took away the ability to cast Travel Form while mounted in the air in TWW which isn’t the case in DF. Since Travel Form will be locked to whatever Flight method we choose I don’t see a need for this particular restriction.

We’ve only had Dragon Riding since DF.

I second this. Except for the bit about dropping my druid. That I didn’t do, but I thoroughly enjoy dynamic flight in my flight form. Feels a lot better to fly like this for my part.

You don’t have them at the same time because the switch, in the air, only works 1 way.

Switching from DR to Normal flight mid-air isn’t game breaking or a massive class advantage. It’s Druid’s open world convenience with minimal impact at or near the end of travel. Similar to Mages’ get anywhere quick options, a different kind of convenience.

Freely switching back and forth, with out being grounded, would be a valid point.

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yeah blizzard said you had to land to change so I never tried it and I agree that shouldn’t be able to happen.

How is it not a massive advantage to be able to get the precision of static flight any time while using Dragon Riding? Part of the trade off for the extra speed is less control.

The real issue for me is they took away the ability to go to flight form from riding while in the air which we can do right now. Since Flight form follows along with the version of flying we choose I don’t see why they added that restriction.

To change between Steady and Skyriding you do need to land and cast the 5sec cast. In either mode, if you are riding a mount you are still able to instantly shift into bird form and continue flying in that same riding mode.

The issue is that druid flight form is a class ability, not traditionally a mount. It’s a perk of being a druid, and them lumping it in as the same as mounting is what we have issue with. In Dragonflight right now you can be riding your dragon, and shift into bird form mid air to hover or to gather or whatever. You can then land and remount. This will take you 1.5s. In TWW you cannot do this. You’d have to land, cast 5sec toggle, shift into steady bird, then you have to go back on the ground, another 5sec toggle, 1.5sec mount up for skyriding.

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That only works on the ground. If you’re flying on a mount you can’t swap to Flight form while in the air which is bad.

Right, but you can only do 1 or the other, not both at the same time, no advantage.

Agreed, though you can do DR normal mount to DR Flight Form & normal mount to Flight Form still.

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I just did this, however on the “Eleven” server. If you’re on a leveling server maybe it’s because that functionality is locked behind an achievement/story progression? I am able to do this in Orgrimmar as we speak. In both modes, skyriding and steady.