Skyriding toggle ruins Druid Flight Form

I’d buy that for a dollar.


Yep! Struggled a bit to figure out how to get this to quote from a locked thread…


So far, I agree with the idea of letting us select specific mounts for either dragonriding or old flying, but I think it’s especially important that we’re allowed to switch without the “need” for a restriction – that is, without being gated behind an achievement that, until completed, blocks players from having access to this setting. There is no conceivable reason for an accessibility setting to be restrictive.


Dragonriding can handle utterly abhorrently with high latency, but I still want to use it to go medium-long distances. Having to spend 5s changing the mode at the start/end of every quest is soul destroying.

Remove the cast time, there’s no need to switch the system away from it’s current implementation on Retail. Let us assign “normal flying” to specific mounts if it is absolutely imperative that the cast time remain for some unknown reason.


Another druid chiming in here, please allow us to select which flying mode we want our druid flight form to be. As it is now I use a dragonriding mount to get around but I LOVE being able to shift into my flight form and go into ‘classic’ flying. It makes maneuvering much easier and being forced into a 5 second toggle everytime just feels horrendously clunky.

Also, frankly? The parrot/druid flight form animations are bad to look at. The wings are so static and it’s not the way a true bird would fly around.



While I utilize skyriding in all parts of Azeroth to travel great distances quickly, I find myself using classic riding almost exclusively while questing, gathering materials, etc. A 5 second toggle that can only be used while grounded feels clunky and is an absurdly long cast time to give to us since we switch so often.
Please revisit this issue. I support the solution of toggling Skyriding on a per-mount basis, so that this issue is relieved for all classes, as well as providing druids specifically an instant, non-GCD toggle that allows us to switch the style of Flight Form.


The current dragonriding mounts in DF all have mounting animations now (except Polly Roger and Wilderling) which sync to the cast time. I don’t know if the expansion to most other flying mounts also includes this, but the mount cast time itself isn’t even the issue here since we’ve dealt with it for nearly two decades at this point.

The toggle is the egregious addition.


Ah yes, the typical Blizzard fanboy drivel: “Give me everything because I can’t wait 4 seconds.”

This is a feedback forum asking for feedback. The developers are big boys and girls and can, in fact, discern for themselves whether a given piece of feedback is both reasonable and actionable. If you don’t have anything constructive to add, GD is over that way.

Personally, I want the toggle to stay, and I can understand why it might need to be global even if I disagree with those potential reasons. I feel that the toggle should likely be instant, ground-only, to make sure there’s some parity between druids/evokers and regular mounts, but the extra cast time feels more like a punishment than a toggle.


As a main druid, I completely agree. Bad decision by Blizzard to link the flight form with traditional mounts. The flight form needs to be reverted (as it is today in Dragonflight) or have its flight mode chosen separately. This makes the flight form completely lose its function.


There’s never been parity between druids and other classes though, it’s kind of the whole point of druids, insta-shifting is our thing and always has been, whether on land, sea or air. Hurling ourselves off cliffs and hitting flight form just before crashing to earth is our thing.

I’d be fine with it having a CD if it must have something, but having a cast time makes it utterly horrific.

Remember how miserable it felt at the start of Dragonflight when we only had 3 vigor? It kinda feels like that now :frowning:


And this single fact has caused so much whinging about how druid players want everything for nothing that it’s gone past being frustrating to just being sad and boring again. So I’m willing to give a little. I’ll keep my instant-mount-up button so I can jump off a cliff and laugh, but if I want to swap between the zoomies and precision I can pay the same swap tax everyone does.

Ideal world, we could all designate mounts we want to keep as static mounts (the friendship crab comes to mind for me) and ones that we want skyriding on, and everyone can have an option for each on their bar, and druids and evokers instead have the swap button and the go button for evokers.

But I strongly suspect we’re never going to get that ideal world, and want to point out there’s a middle ground between that and giving everyone a giant middle finger.

100% agree, I hate what you’ve done here. Please listen to the feedback. Druid flight form and it’s capabilities are a cornerstone to the class and will ruin the play for many that have loved the druid for decades.


good…my auras dont work for Dynamic flying…so druids have to lose a mount ablity too

Very well said! This was the main reason I couldn’t play my Druids hardly at all in Dragonflight (until S4 when unlocking flying became extremely easy so I did it both in EU & NA lol).

Either way, my logic was “I might as well play any other class since the benefits of my Druids are null and void this expansion (DF)”

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100% agreed, I was very sad to learn they are the same. Flight form has been a unique thing for druids for a very long time and I think it would be better than not to let us keep a separate skyriding toggle for traditional mounts and our flight form.

Also the toggle needs to be a shorter cast. In Dragonflight it’s 1.5s to switch from a sky(dragon) riding to a regular mount, with no gated restriction. It’s mind boggling this is a thing.

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I am not having an issue with the way its designed with my druid, if I am doing something that works better with tbc flying then I just stay in that flight mode until I am fully done. I don’t see the need to just pop or flip flop back n forth so often or fast you need some sort of instant cast to do it. Pick a style of flight and stick with it for what ever job you are doing. You do not need to change every few minutes, but that is my feel of it. Its been working fine for me thus far on my druid who is a herber.

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I was surprised and annoyed to find that the flight form had been linked to all mounts. I have grown rather fond of the current system in dragonflight where my flight form is separate from the dragonriding for on the fly choices of what I want to do.

I’ve be mainly a druid for years, and with flight form being insta cast I have habitually used it for years for short walks, mailbox runs, random 2ft climbs…
having to do such a long cast because I want to fly 10 ft to the mailbox and not go careening past it, or some other quick precision flying task that I had been used to doing for years is quite frankly a large annoyance for me and has me debating if sky riding is worth it for me.

In the past there have been tomes to unmerge different druid form aspects. such as when aquatic, land and flying were all merged into a single button, a tome of travel separated out the land form so we could still use it in flight enabled zones, purely for the fun of it.
This could work for flightform & skyriding by either disabling it for flight form or adding a second shift button for steady fling or adding a unique toggle just for flight form separate from the mount one (in case we change our minds later in life, cause the animations are pretty cool)
A solution such as this would be in line with past options given druids when changes have been made to how forms work.

An other idea someone else pointed out was being able to toggle different mounts as skyriding or not for all characters.
I know personally, even playing my non-druids it’s handy having a mixture of dragonriding and steady flying mounts where you don’t need to do a long swap cast & then remount.


What’s the issue? They aren’t taking Flight form away and you can choose to have the old functionality whenever you like.

Boo hoo that you can’t instant swap to flight form from a Dragon Riding mount while in the air in TWW.

What if they had two options?

Enable Skyriding for Mounts
Enable Skyriding for Abilities

This should fix the issue.