Skyriding needs a "Smoove" liftoff

I don’t know if the current only way to launch (aside from gliding) should be changed, or whether there should be an additional spell, but the only real gripe I have with skyriding is that IT BLASTS YOU INTO THE SKY AT ULTIMATE SPEED and to a lesser extent makes it impossible to loiter at low speed for more than a few seconds.

I’m sure there’s a way to launch that makes it easy to hop from AH to bank or mining node to mining node, yet still preserve the “flight power” of the launch if you’re headed somewhere high and/or far away.

Really, this is my only gripe.

I want a way to fly in a controlled manner at “flaps 40” speed and if I’m about to stall, I can push a button to continue in that manner.

Maybe add another button that if you are on the ground, gives you that gradual liftoff, and if you are in the air, gives you a moderate nudge forward. If it doesn’t sustain indefinitely via vigor that’s fine.

I think the only change necessary is to let us launch with the forward motion ability as well as the ascent ability.

I just wanna tap space bar, get a little clearance, then go forward.


I’d settle for “the first flap is free”, as that would solve my main issue with Dynamic Flight - blowing thru all your vigor when hopping between gathering nodes or quest objectives.


As long as it would not otherwise consume more than one stamina.

Or jump a little higher so you can glide long enough to either use the climb or fly forward ability.