No you are just seeking attention that is all you ever do and you contribute nothing in the end. Most of us are actually annoyed by your mindless babble of nonsense.
I have to agree.
Most of your replies are copy/paste just to bump the post.
You contribute nothing to the thread nor do you actually care about people with disabilities or your scope of “care” would go beyond spamming specifically threads about pathfinder.
Which is what I find funny about your fake “support”. You quite literally only target pathfinder threads and have done so since at least August.
Its spam. I know it. You know it. People that have been here since prepatch know it.
There is no spam but a continued dialogue and you simply disagree. Calling something spam when you disagree with something just indicates that your continued participation is a tacit admission that there is no spam involved as you continued to contributed to the discussion as well.
This is why pathfinder has to be removed because some people choose to be toxic toward disabled players thinking “it is no big deal and not important”.
But disabled players have said that this is important to them and I am inclined to agree with them. Why be so intolerant against disabled players when they are voicing feedback?
You can disagree respectfully instead of being so mean against a very important subset of the WoW community? We need to help one another and this is how we do it by showing our support through discussion on the general discussion forum.
Legion went live with flight already planned into it. Just happen to be unlocked like half way through it it with PF just like BFA and Shadowlands. The only one that was planned to be flightless then changed because of the outcry was WoD, yet still PF was invented to still managed flight in how the upper chain of company wanted things done.
You made a claim and you need to support your claim. Link? Where is the proof?
That is your opinion because this thread is about skyriding and disability. And disabled players say they can not use SR all that well and it is cumbersome for them which is why pf is one of the easiest solutions by removing it. Not a guaranteed holy grail to solve all the issues but an easy win for BlizZard to start with.
Remember ladies and gentlemen, removal of PF is only the start.
People are being nice by asking you for a link or to define what you mean. If you fail to do that then you are just taking pot shots at people and being mean.
But we are positive WoW community and gamers and will ignore mean spirited people like you.
Its not an opinion. Your post history literally backs that point up.
You only seem to care about disabilities when you are weaponizing them to be anti pathfinder.
That’s an unfortunate fact. And again, we can look at your post history to back that up.
Its not. Its a lazy excuse to remove something for the simple reason that you want it gone.
I understood your post very well. There was a transition in leadership and that is what we all know to be true as happened with WoD/Legion. Indeed, that is was the turning point when game design paradigm shifted indeed which went very heavily against flying as a pillar of world content and then was very ground oriented.
But that changed again with DF and the arrival of Dragon riding and with TWW which is why pf removal is just needed step to progress the game forward for the modern times IMVHO!
Even you agree that PF is superfluous and should not exist. Not a lazy excuse but in fact an even more bigger reason to move forward with the removal of PF.
This is the issue you state you want and focused for now the removal of PF and I would say 90% players wouldn’t care one way or the other if it just poof and was not there come the next xpac. How ever you are one saying ITS JUST THE START. SOOOOOO, just what else in Gods green earth are then planning on going on pitchforks and tourches rant until Blizzard caves to you and your small group of gripers, just what are you going to change next. And what excuses are you going to use? Grandma gets ran over by a raindeer and you need Blizzard to do something about it?
This is why its stupid to cave to demands that are pathetic and clearly made up with make believe lies and facts to start with and then padded with fake numbers. People who claim to speak for a group of people who don’t want to be spoke for because they are not having the issue you speak of in the way you are trying to play on it.
Where did I agree?
I said your spam and use of disabilities is a garbage excuse to remove something for the sake of wanting it removed because you want it.
Not because you are advocating for people with disabilities.
You have literally thousands upon thousands of posts, almost entirely in pathfinder threads. Yet I don’t think you’ve created a single topic of your own. Which is odd since you claim to be a massive supporter.
You single out pathfinder threads and spam them for attention while under the guise of advocating. Its such a weird thing to do.