I think prior to the war Within blizzard could have argued with some measure of believability that steady flight was too powerful and therefore needed to be throttled a lot more than Dynamic flight but after making Pathfinder a total of 3 days or less it’s entirely Preposterous to pretend that steady flight is affecting the game in any negative way otherwise they would have left it at 10 months or so. At that rate just open up both flights on day one. They have my personal guarantee that it’s not going to destroy their game LOL
I can see your point, just like when you called it ableism. You want steady flight out of the gate and are willing to say whatever you have to in order to seem like it’s a moral wrong you have to unlock it.
“There are ground mounts” people say and then again people forget that hole we have to dive into to get to the second zone after we finish the first zone storyline.
People just plunge to their death and have to spirit their way to the bottom of the tunnel to use a ground mount.
I had too much time on my hands to think about people who can’t skyride, they have to get to Gundargaz first to learn the taxi from there.
If you have friends OP I’m sure they wouldn’t mind flying you around and helping you out.
Because Blizzard considers dynamic flying more immersive. They even have quests that use it. But if you can’t do it, the quests provide a mount that will fly for you.
Unsure how anyone is my counterpart or how I’m trolling. I thought it was much better to ask a question than automatically flag someone without telling them what’s wrong. But hey, you do you. Flag away without giving new people information!
I’m sorry but that argument might have worked in previous expansions but after Pathfinder was reduced to a couple or three days that is no longer an argument. Are you saying that we need immersion for the first 3 days of the expansion? That’s preposterous. Especially when it only affects a very small minority of players in the game Who Don’t Really Care One Way or Another they just want to be able to fly
It’s pure results focus.
She knows the result she wants, and will say anything that she thinks supports that result, even if it doesn’t or is not true.
Every class can make the plunge down there, some easier than others, but a goblin glider or any number of slowfall items will get you there safely, and even without, you’d have the option to res on the bottom.
… you do realize that there’s NPCs to talk to who will fly you around when you need to have access to flying to get somewhere, including said hole…?
If you have that much time on your hand, you should’ve realized that there’s NPCs to fix the extremely obvious issue that isn’t an issue since these NPCs have been there since the beta.
Holy God in heaven he said he can see my point. This is got to be some kind of world record or something
And then he had to go and lie and say that I used the word ableism because I don’t think I’ve ever used that word on this form that I can remember lol I have said we have lesser able players on this forum and in this game and that is absolutely 1,000% correct and if you have a problem with those players then I would say you’re the issue here not me.
Let’s repeat for the seventh time in this thread that Pathfinder has been reduced to what 3 days now? That’s hardly long enough to be of any effect lol. Letting them have steady flight day one is not going to make any difference in this game and I Know It And You Know It
Or jump into dynamic riding, hop on a mount, fall off the cliff, point down, land, then run across the ground the rest of the way.
Or use a flightpath.
They gave us options.
Blizz should at least auto unlock steady flying in the point one patch as a way to make it so people who can’t sky ride be able to use steady flight.
It’s pure results focus.
She knows the result she wants, and will say anything that she thinks supports that result, even if it doesn’t or is not true.
What results would that be? The one where you’re flying day one and disabled players have to work for their version of flight? Because that’s an absolute fact
It’s much quicker to just do the campaign. That can be done in a couple of days. War Within has a ton of options to not use dynamic flying during the campaign.
Blizz should at least auto unlock steady flying in the point one patch as a way to make it so people who can’t sky ride be able to use steady flight.
some of us have suggested allowing us to pick which version of flight we want in day one and then maybe doing Pathfinder for the other version of flight. That way the disabled players are able to enjoy flight day one and then those of us who prefer Dynamic flight will have to do Pathfinder forget it which is obviously going to be over 95% of the player base I think. I don’t think it would be more than 5% of players who are unable to do Dynamic flight
Blizz should at least auto unlock steady flying […]
Or, hear me out because this is a WILD concept I know… people could play the bare minimum of the game. The part that requires no flying, and have tools to make questing easier when flying would be regarded as mandatory.
Ya’ll will have to, one day, state why you are opposed to folks playing the game at the lowest bare minimum is too high of a requirement for you to get access to a game warping QoL tool that utterly breaks the game. Because the alternative is to remove it completely, not to change it back to the default type of flying.
So… what would you prefer; folks to play the game a bare minimum level … or to remove static flying completely?
Anyone who can’t use skyriding can use steady flight by doing the leveling campaign, which doesn’t require flying not made available by a steady flight taxi service mount.
Or, hear me out because this is a WILD concept I know… people could play the bare minimum of the game. The part that requires no flying, and have tools to make questing easier when flying would be regarded as mandatory
Okay I’ll hear you out. And my response to that is make both flights require Pathfinder again. If disabled players have to do Pathfinder for their version of flight then everyone should have to do it to be fair
The part that requires no flying
And, (for that matter) is required to unlock the end-game.
I think people are scare that Blizz will do path finder again. So they defend sky riding to the extreme.
It is fair. Everyone gets equal treatment. This is an issue with your idea of “fair” being you get preferential treatment.