I like my suggestion ._.’
I love when Lio refers to themselves in the 3rd person.
we seriously going to go for hyperbole here now too?
its a video game…MOST of us in here know that fact.
There have been so many current events parallels that I want to make here, but haven’t been since I don’t think the mods would approve.
Yeah back before DF launched we had a lot more credible criticisms and concerns from players with numerous impairments/disabilities/issues, but stuff like this with Mafic and Lio is just slosh.
They don’t want to help anyone, they don’t care, they see an easy to use bludgeon they can swing with abandon.
what I dont love much is you trolling instead of sticking to the topic
It’s not hyperbole, it’s a fact, search their posts.
Yeah. DF not having steady flight or taxi services, I’d agree with it being problematic for folks. This expansion? It’s just a matter of putting in the minimal work to get it.
Maybe world of warcraft isn’t a game you can play.
uh…some of us in this thread ARE disabled friend…though Its seriously telling that you find it odd that someone has enough empathy to actually stand up for disabled persons. telling…
Some game’s just aren’t for everyone.
Has OP came in and said yay or nay to any suggestions or comments?
And you ignore what they say when it doesn’t support your claim, we know.
given Ion said steady flight is for accessability…this game is for everyone…clearly.
just need to get PF requirements removed now.
What’s especially funny is I’m for removing Pathfinder and having both flight modes available from the start. But since i don’t 100% agree with their vitriol on everything i get demonized just the same as you and everyone else XD
sorry friend, I can no longer take anything you have to say in here seriously…you denied posts mocking disabled players which says all I need to know.
Yes, unlike you I neither mock disabled folks or treat them as a tool to get what I want.
So can someone with a similar… uh… status (i guess that would be the correct phrasing) to the OP like to give thoughts on suggestions and comments so far?
right…less than 3 days or so…making PF utterly pointless…especially given its stated reason for existing…‘exploration’…was destroyed the first day of DF when we all got flight in the first hour for a few quests and no PF>
I have one arm, I made it work.
Also, while not as exciting, you can legit do everything either via ground mount or taxi. My main complaint is the auto taxi flights (not basic FP) are seemingly intentionally slow.