Skyriding: Aerial Halt and Wind's Respite

(I tried finding a more general Skyriding feedback thread and failed, so I apologise if this should have gone somewhere else.)

With the Skyriding talents being simplified from their Dragonriding iteration, many supplementary nodes were baked into the base ability they modified. In most cases, this is fine, as the additional nodes were direct upgrade that did not change the actual feel of the base ability (eg, ground skimming now works while under the effects of thrill of the skies).

However, Wind’s Respite (the culprit behind the few seconds of weightlessness in Aerial Halt), is not quite that benign. Aerial Halt is a very important part of vigor management while gathering, but Wind’s Respite causes seconds delay in landing, and I find it annoying and disruptive in general flight as well. In Dragonflight, I always have this node un-activated.

I am unsure how many other people feel strongly about Aerial Halt and Wind’s Respite (I suspect very few), but I figured I would throw my two cents out there.

If at all possible, I would like to see Wind’s Respite remain a toggle in TWW and beyond.

As-is on beta, it requires a cancel aura macro, which generally translates to mashing the button multiple times as you wait for Wind’s Respite to be applied, and often has a split second float as well due to the buff momentarily applying. It just doesn’t feel as good. I suspect I could make a weak aura to cancel it as well, but I would prefer if the current functionality of being able to choose to not have it in the first place remained. :dracthyr_cry: