Skyfury to Maladath please

So my friends and I are on Skyfury. Could you please allow xfers to Maladath.

We are fine with giving up the PvP server if it means we can play the game. 3 hour queues every night is insane.

Please allow transfers from Skyfury to Maladath. Im sure we are not the only ones that would move


They really just need to make it where people can play where they want.


Idk what that means. Are you saying skyfury can xfer to any current non full realm?

with a cd woud be fine.

No… I literally meant… they should make it where people can play where they want… including Skyfury. Another words. Fix the que problems. Get it now?

Maladath is growing. It’s alliance heavy. A few days ago it was 3400 alliance, checked today it’s 4700.

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And thats an idiotic idea. They made fresh realms for a reason


You think I’m an idiot for saying this should not be a problem? Ok. Enjoy your que time on a streamer server you chose to play on if you don’t want them to solve this problem without transfers.

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Sorry, they didn’t budget for that.

Sounds like a them problem. I’m just a customer.

It’s “in other words,” and gtfoh, just reroll. You’re not 70, it’s been less than 2 weeks and you haven’t been able to play anyways lol, just start over. The idea that not only should they allow transfers off a brand new server, but they should be free, because you didn’t anticipate a single PvP server being constantly overloaded is insane.

I have a 70 on Skyfury. The que times just recently seemed to get very big. The problem is the server not being able to handle the amount of people playing on it. If they want to offer free transfer off to Maladeth thats fine. But I don’t want people to take attention away from the fact this should not be happening in the first place.

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I think you misunderstood what they are saying:

This just means, that people on Skyfury should be able to login without a queue. And maybe that’s so, but at the same time it’s part of the whole new-content in Classic appeal, imo.

Enjoy the queues while they last! They won’t be around for much longer. OK, well maybe they aren’t so enjoyable, but at least they are temporary! Here’s to your queues being short and your enjoyment being long!

no, just no
One is pvp the other one isnt

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I don’t think he understands that you were not picking on him you were merely commenting. I am just as stunned with his response as you are lol.

Agreed, please let us off Skyfury Bliz! I’m fine with PVE if it means I didn’t waste the last week of playing and can actually log in :frowning:

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If that is what he meant, then yes I misunderstood what he was saying. I do also agree people should be able to play where they choose, but with a blue post saying they do not plan to open any other Fresh realms, the only option I see to help the queue situation on Skyfury. Currently 10k and over a 4 hour queue 260+ mins. Maladath seems like the potential solution.

It not only boosts up Maladaths population, but maybe just maybe brings down Skyfury to something reasonable.

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Yeah maybe. Personally, I’d rather not see any transfers ever happen. I think we have a healthy population right now, and once people are finished leveling/gearing there won’t be any queues. Not to mention, when wrath content opens up the fresh tourists will go back to their mains and play there. I think we’re in a good place.

Of course, you do make a decent point. I’d just be very disappointed if they opened up transfers of any kind to Skyfury after having stated:

which was quite a compelling part of why I chose to roll fresh for WotLK Classic.

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Just fing do something ffs this is beyond dumb

U sitting in 4hr queues? We want to play. Let us go. They made a terrible decision. One new fresh pvp sever? SA /oce/ and na all on one fresh sever lol. Come on they created this mess they should atleast let us out.