By the time Wrath content drops, the only meaningful difference between fresh servers and other servers will be that there are no transfers on the fresh servers. If they go back on what they have already stated, and that leads to the type of server imbalance that we’ve seen time and again due to transfers, then that would be a pretty big disappointment.
wait a minute hey you were that hunter in Zangarmarsh right? Good game trying to gank me while killing another mob. Shame your flare couldn’t get me!
Oh no a level 61 hunter, better quit and move to a different server real quick in case it takes more than half a second to send you to the GY.
Angerforge is a dad server.
You ran away from my mobs and flew away for good, which is the point. Thank you for submitting to me and removing yourself from my questing area sir.
Yeah 5 days is way too much to give up. You’re right. Wouldn’t want to accidentally have fun starting a new character.
PvP is about picking the correct fights. Not worth fighting a hunter 3 levels above me
As someone said above, typical loser mentality.
[quote=“Tybo-skyfury, post:1, topic:1337042, full:true”]
This fresh start server has been a gigantic time sink. I am going to be ganking every grey I see until the queue times become lower. When Skyfury becomes 98% alliance and the queue times are gone you can thank me.
It’s always interesting to see the inner working of a stunded mind.
I transferred my 70 DK off of Maladath with no problems. I like the server well enough… I just wanted that toon with my mains.
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