Skyfury is a dead server now

When we gonna have a transfer to another realm ? More people are stop playing on Skyfury and returning to the old server or stop playing WoW. It’s really difficult to gear up in a fresh 80, almost impossible to do anything cause have a low population, when in another realms like Benediction you got a chance to leveling how many alts you want and gear up to do the phase content. Blizzard telled 90 days and told that gonna listen the community. Where’s Blizzard now ? The server are dying and don’t do anything, everyone wants to go to another server and Skyfury is dying day by day.


It is true, thanks for all the fish blizzard! Or lack of players. We have lost three major guildes horde side on Skyfury.

Thanks for the ‘Fresh dead server’


skyfury horde is beyond dead i log in do the daily and then log out because there are zero raids in lfg and all the guilds paid transfer off server to whitemane / eranikus to find people to make raid times. Merge the server already its to dead to do anything on.


When can we get free Xfers off Dying Dad Ded Server? at primetime theres less than 20 80’s of each possible class on no raids going most the raid guilds now have half the roster they had 2 weeks ago cause most xferred off dying server. Heard you opened up paid xfers finally to Skyfury 2 days ago but who wants to pay to xfer to a server with no raids going on during primetime?!?!.