Wouldn’t it be nice if blizzard gave US players a similar offer they gave the Chinese with the spectral tiger mount? For such an iconic TCG mount to be practically given away to the Chinese I think they should give the US base players the same opportunity
I’ll take TCG rooster instead.
I just want Invincible to drop.
Nah, it was a silly cash grab. I’m hoping US stops doing these rather than adding more - it’s a terrible pathway for the game to continue down.
To be fair, they gotta deal with having Winnie the Pooh as a leader for ife.
I see this happening. Brutosaur 2.0 was a test for what players will buy. I bought the ah mount the second time around.
I would love to add the rooster myself.
Amen sister.
Pretty sure it wasn’t Blizz that gave the mount but the Chinese company that runs the game over there
Practically given away? Didn’t it end up at over $200 USD when converted?
Oh man that mount is so ugly, ill take the tiger anytime
The blue rocket is better than any of these.
At $265 I neither want nor need this exotic animal.
Blizzard doesn’t run the Chinese servers.
The tiger would be a nice trading post mount. Like the warden outfit we earned for visiting the trade post for 12 different months.
Not really. The Chinese have a TON of caveats that come with their gameplay and I would rather not incorporate their risk with their rewards.
Haha noooo not WinnXi the Pooh!
As someone not willing to spend 5k on a mount. Ill buy the tiger for 100 dollars
Nah USA gets bald eagles, so you get another spectral gryphon
Weren’t they charging over $250 smackers? People getting frosty over $90 for the Big Dino mount would have conniption fits if they tried to charge anything like that for the tiger.
Must. Resist. Joke.
My mind is a gutter.