Sky Riding Toggle - losing current functionality

First there’s no reason to be snide about it. Don’t be a troll.
Second, I swap a lot. I use steady flight for short distances and precision flying and dynamic flight for long distances.

Having to constantly do a 5 second cast is terrible, and it’s much worse than what currently exists in live.


You would think that after the public fiascos of Shadowlands Beta where we had these exact same conversations, and the public acceptance of those mistakes, we wouldn’t have white knights trolling people giving feedback to prevent those same mistakes being repeated once again.

If a feature, or an aspect of a feature, isn’t enhancing the play experience, it doesn’t belong in the game. That’s … basic design. The argument for Conduit Energy or Covenant restrictions was that the “friction” enhanced “meaningful choice”. It was a bad argument, but that was the reasoning provided, and they refused to listen to feedback. Even that stupidity doesn’t apply here for a long cast time to switch flight modes.


I don’t disagree with this at all. Never have.

I think it should be instant, but just discount you so you can’t do it while flying.

All I was pointing out is that; to me; it seems weird that it took that long to recognize that you were in dragonriding mode.

I know my action bars intimately, so whenever there’s even a small change to them, I notice it immediately. This includes the complete bar swapping when you mount up.

At least for me, my brain would never let me take off knowing in I’m dragonriding mode thinking I’m in static flight.

Know what I mean? Didn’t mean to offend. Just seemed weird that an action bar change would go unnoticed when we’re constantly looking at them so much.

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THIS. I am one of those players. And not only that they’ve created an ENTIRE DUNGEON centered around needing to skyride, which I will NOT be able to complete, which means I can’t PUG for any dungeons this xpac just in case I get into THAT one.


Stuff like that just comes down to players playing the game differently. Plenty of players “take off” for example by hitting the spacebar, which requires no action bar interaction whatsoever. Even while actually Dragonriding around, I’m pretty much never looking at my action bars for it, because why would I? I know what my hotkeys are, and I have plenty of muscle memory for moving around, hitting 2, knowing my vigor, etc. without having to stare at action bars.

Consider things like some people click, some people play with disabilities, etc., etc. UI’s get used by people in a variety of different ways, as do features like this. If you’re not a Druid, you probably don’t do fly-ey things that Druids have been doing for decades now.


I disagree with you. As someone that has played this game since the very beginning, I have never had to toggle different mount speeds to do anything at all. This simply would not affect me or anyone I have ever played with because none of us have ever had to do it that way. We just dragonride wherever we want to go and we’re done. The only time I had to swap was to get to Vortex Pinnacle.

Even if that isn’t the point though, there are so many mounts in the game that are very cool and people love dearly and they prefer Dragonriding over the old form of riding, so, what, because you don’t like the toggle and you are using in this specifically niche way we’re supposed to all suffer and not let my Invincible mount from Wrath of the Lich King have it’s day in the sun as a dragonriding mount? Do you know how mindnumbing that would be? To lock 99% of all mounts into a speed and leave it that way? Mount farmers would lose all sense of why they mount farmed if theu got a cool mount and then went “Ah, damn, too bad it’s a 60% ground mount only, guess I’ll never use this nad boy” and toss it into their bag of infinite mounts.

Just because something might feel bad does not mean that isn’t needed. I think druids need special work to add dragonriding to theor flight form, assuming it isnt already added, and I could see assigning specific mounts with specific speeds that WE choose. Like Invincible is dragonriding but I set my netherdrakes to normal flying and then lock my priestess moonsaber to ground only sorta thing, I think that could work but it doesn’t solve your issue of having 3 mounts on yoir bars, 4 if you want two seaters, 5 if you want more than 2 seaters and 6 if you want the expedition Yak on there.

The current form lets me go hmmm which mount do I want? Oh? My Icebound Frostwyrm? Turn on Dragonriding and slap it onto my bar and never change it again. At most I would put a wolf ground mount there for BGs and things where the game locks my ability to fly. As an evoker player, I just use Soar forever.

Uh why would you not complete it? If you are doing a dungeon and it requires skyriding, then get on a skyriding mount and fly. Or are you saying theres some accessibility option that hinders your ability to do this?

I have accessibility issues that hinder my ability to do that.


To everyone arguing against making any changes to make this system easier or simpler, what are you losing? Do you like having a 5 second cast time to switch between the styles? If you wouldn’t use it, this doesn’t affect you at all, so please stop trolling or being disrespectful of other’s views.

I personally wouldn’t want the individual toggles, as I’d like to be able to easily switch styles on the same mount. When this was announced, I was really not expecting a 5 second cast time on the ability to switch. At most I was expecting we’d have to be on the ground. Regardless though, I don’t understand why it can’t at least be a much faster switch in some way, or one we can do while still mounted. If it’s a world PvP issue, can’t there be an added timer (CD or cast time) if you’re flagged or in war mode?

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People seem to be getting a bit heated about their opinions on this which either fall into hate the 5 second toggle, don’t care about the 5 second toggle, or like the 5 second toggle (although I haven’t seen people for the latter lol).

I think an easy solution to fix all of this and make every single person happy would be for Blizzard to not take away options which we currently have on retail. Letting people choose which mounts to leave as static hurts absolutely no one but gives a large chunk of people the play style they want. Everyone still gets access to all of the mounts as dynamic mounts. If you use static mounts and dynamic at the same time, this is a huge benefit. If it you don’t use static mounts at all, then this impacts you in absolutely no way, shape or form.

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Ok real talk, I have a feeling there aren’t knowledgeable coders left at Blizzard who know HOW to program this. Like separating skyriding from static flying for each individual mount.

Whenever I see new systems released that downgrade functionality, even in the work place, it’s usually because the people we have left don’t know wtf they are doing.

Talent is expensive nowadays.


No one is talking about preventing you from skyriding on Invincible.
We just want to have the choice to use either flight style.

I use both styles of flight equally on live, and being forced to choose one over the other is just a major step backwards for the game and my experience.


Testing it right now on the beta, and I can’t even switch to flight form with static flying in Val. Just deer mode. Unbelievable. Just flew to the plains, can’t do it there either. How do you even turn on static bird form now??

This is just business as usual for Blizz these days, tho. Opportunity Cost. Playing this game has become like playing with the worst D&D table gamers around. It’s never just fun, there’s always gotta be something you have to hate, or lose, to do anything remotely interesting or cool.

So tired of this behavior. Listen, Ion and pals, it doesn’t always have to be an opportunity cost. Sometimes things can simply just be “better”. Stop trying to ruin the game.


So bird form is working statically in the Broken Isles, but not in the Dragon Isles. Does it work for anyone else statically in the DF zones?

Also, why does the static/dynamic button HAVE to dismount you? Why is that even necessary? What a clunky change. Blizz, stop using the interns for this and pay some real devs to do this kind of stuff properly. This is a joke.


I’m convinced this is why we don’t have cross faction dungeon queuing.


The weird thing is that the witch’s broomstick mount they added around last Halloween is coded so that the induction to mount is virtually instant (it still does the induction bar, but is probably 0.1 seconds) but only during the Halloween event. Outside that event, it goes back to the standard 1.5 second induction.

So we know that even in situations where the tech apparently requires some form of induction, they have options, so… WHY 5 seconds? I think 0.1 would be completely fine, if for some reason an actual instant cast isn’t possible.

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It’s obvious. It’s a punishment. The Opportunity Cost for switching. Blizz can’t just let you have a benefit without it costing you something, that’s how it works. Unfortunately. There’s any number of better methods that could have been done, they chose this lousy one because it had the biggest cost.

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Except there doesn’t need to be a cost to switch.
This isn’t class balance, it’s not a zero-sum game. We can do away with that cost.


I imagine it may have something to do with Pathfinder. Since legion no longer requires it, static flight is enabled. Dragonflight still requires Pathfinder to static flight. I am unsure if you have it or not on your retaila count but maybe it’s having issues transferring over to beta.

Is it just flight form or do other mounts do it too?

Other static mounts worked. And yes, I have the pathfinder achievement for DF.

Yes, I agree, I’m not saying it’s a good decision, just a likely decision, knowing how the Blizz leadership seems to operate.

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Obviously Blizz disagrees. They clearly don’t want us to be able to have all the strengths of both modes at a button click. They never do anything without a reason.

I could care less either way since I never swap which seems like a complete waste of time but I can see why Blizz made the change whether I agree or not.