Sky changing colors in subzones

Just something that bothers me. For example, the sky on the coast of Desolace is gray, yellowish and murky. As soon as you get close to the Cenarion Wildlands, however, it’s suddenly blue and mostly cloudless. This happens all across old Azerothian zones. It’s unrealistic and immersion breaking.

P.S. When are they going to add the new skyboxes to all the old zones? Seems like that’s something that could be done with the flip of an environment variable.

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Buzz word salad winning. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve always thought of the skybox in WoW to signify more of an omen of ill magics rather than just weather. Duskwood and Deadwind Pass are good examples of this. They’re always gloomy because they have to be. If it were a sunny day in Duskwood, it would take away a lot of the immersion there.

For your example, when you arrive at a Cenarion outpost, you’d expect to be purification there to make it feel “safe.”

I guess if you don’t care about immersion and see the feature as a purely psychological affect then that does make sense. I still think it’s a cheap way to evoke those emotions though. That could be achieved with the music, characters, statues, objects, etc. Like, the sky shouldn’t just suddenly change because you’ve entered an outpost of druids.

As someone who lives on a coast, I can say that this is a realistic description of how weather can vary over just a few kilometers in such an environment.

This actually wouldn’t be that difficult. I think they should copy the BfA skybox across Vanilla zones. Skybox updates really refresh the old zones.

I don’t find it so at all. It’s part of the charm.

They often do that, too. And it’s a fantasy game.