Skullcrusher Horde Reconnections

unoffical sc detention camp on herod. lmk if you want innnnnn :slight_smile:


Hey man, not sure if you remember me ( Spartakis, orc hunter) or not but you’re the only other dude I’ve seen on here mention Absolum. Rolling on Herod would love to reminisce about old times!

Pepsiman - Troll Hunter ~ Ran a lot of AV premades in BC
Pepsigoddess/Duelz - Bloodelf Priest ~ Played tons of Arena, eventually getting Arena Master in WoTLK
Pepsi______ - probably an alt of mine, lol

Hey Wendy and Geb!

Bottom here. Going to play on Gobbulus with a bunch of friends. HOpefully we will see some more Beatdown people around.


Hey, I was a troll rogue named Varr. Got to rank 12 with the help of running homicide inc with some friends Utar redguard medyx, few others. We made a couple hwls, few wls too.

Ran with a few upper guilds doing pve too.

Edit- did world dragons bwl with rage

I recognize some names here, I know Wendy she told me about this thread but i remember helium. Couple others look familiar.

We killed local defense a lot of anyone remembers them.

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Botch Orc Hunter from Rage!

Did a lot of pvp and MC/BWL. Funny seeing all the old farts back out in droves

  • Rockhead, Tauren warrior / Rockhoof, Tauren shaman
  • Absolum, Twisted Affinity

Just wondering if there’s anyone else out there, I saw a couple names I recognized like Spart

Hey man! Yeah I remember you. You remember Kershak? He says hello as well!

Anyone remember Rollinz?


yes, i’m bringing rollinz back myself :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey Smashly good to see you again!
Remember Torrn and I in Horde offensive?

I rolled with ya guys for a bit in BC! I remember running Kara Friday and Saturday Nights!

Come on guys if we just work together we can beat Local Defense this time…

Good to see everyone!

I created Horde Offensive and then joined Forgotten Prophets.
Where is Zygar and Twotoke?

Torrn and I enjoyed hanging out with Soulprovider. Best Warlock ever!

Who was the Guild Ldr of DnD? And then the level 1 Orc who said he was the real one?

Deep getting the name of his rogue changed. What was the name of that rogue again…

Resto Shaman (well Resto at end game when I had to go Resto)
My awesome hair!


Character: PigglyWiggly
undead assasinataion rogue. forgot name of guild tbh

I’m gonna be really sad if none of my Harbinger crew show up :frowning:

Holy smokes, I remember you… Ohana, you and I would chill quite often. Unless i’m thinking of someone else.

Gorbad - Orc Warrior
Guild Conventus

Proud to have wielded the guild’s Thunderfury, maybe this time I can help someone get theirs.


Killia - Undead Rogue
Demuni - BE Lock

Don’t really remember any guilds i was in. But was in a lot of premade AV’s. Boy those were some good times! I remember one of my main rivals from ally was Corki the Gnome rogue!

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Cursive - Undead rogue
Guild - Worlds End

Demonicblood, Katana, Healzinator, any of you guys around?
Still in touch with Raja & Thetk but i haven’t seen you guys in forever.

Character: Kardlonoc, Undead, Warrior
Guild: Nightmares Asylum

Just wanted to say hi and yarrr