Skullcrusher Horde Reconnections

What’s up, friends? I still play.

I main a MW monk and a Disc priest in Assisted Living on Thrall in retail. Glad to see some familiar faces!


Character: Jugganaut, Tauren Warrior, Moobies, Tauren Druid
Guild: Atrayne and some others…

Damn it’s been a long time.


Thebled tauren warrior in the guild Death and Destruction as well as soldiers of the horde

Oh Rollinz! Thebled tauren warrior and thebleed druid or Racinguy DK, Missed his loveable self in trade chat!

Undead Priest named Smashly

I played from release until the 4th or 5th free transfer where I went to Dentarg.

Mainly looking for people from Horde Offensive or Liberation

( I was a teen at the time so I barely remember names)

I found Vargoth already.


Hi guys:

      Anyone from guild Rage still around?

It is I. Sakximus Makximus Defender of the Horde.
and as Emo as ever.
Horde Spriest- Cutest on server from 2007-2012. 10/10 girl jeans, and everyone hit on my sister.

A lof of us are going to Whitemane-pvp unless we find out streaming nerds are going to pillage it.

Come join us it aint real SC unless all of us bottom feeders are there.

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Yo Bloodcraze, here is

Tortuegenial Troll priest , speak french canadian and wierd english.
during Retaliation guild with Tombom and Co,

Zombar, Glompix


Classic :
Tortuegenial - Troll priest Male
Petitcoeur - Taurent Warrior Male
Burning Crusade
Streetlight - BE paladin Female ( IKR )

Guild : Retaliation (Classic/BC) / Redemption (BC)

Says hi to Tort, Dites bonjours a tortue, its going to be freaking awesome


Main: Wendy (UD Priest)
Altso Known As: Epiphany (UD Mage), Cabala (UD Warlock)

Guilds: Beatdown Brigade, Pallies in WOTLK, Death Bunnies in early Vanilla

Side note: If anyone is looking for Gebbeth, @ me. He doesn’t do forums.

Edit to add: We will be rolling mains on Myzrael for Classic, looks like.


Hey Reina! illone here. Hope you’ve been well!

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Oh hi! Beatdown/Pallies foreva! Might just see you around :slight_smile:


Hi Wendy!

I knew you from BB, Nylah -UD priest
Scara UD Warlock

Nice to see you on!
I will play on Herod, found a nice guild called Six Feet Under.
from classic: Beatdown Brigade, Destiny’s Bane and Rage
Nimah BE pally
Kuromi BE Rogue
Shoshanna BE Hunter
and the list goes on


Hi All!
from classic: Nylah UD Priest, Scara UD Warlock: Beatdown Brigade, Destiny’s Bane and Rage
BC Onward
Nimah BE pally
Kuromi BE Rogue
Shoshanna BE Hunter
and the list goes on.
Moved from Skullcrusher to Moon Guard and Emerald Dream.
Going to play on Herod when classic drops.


Tojara i remember duking it out w you in silithus. gnome warlock. we got sc kids from ally taking all of sc it seems like. there will be plenty of people to kill. we poke’balled stang and shasmly and rolo, all in ka-hoots. whats your discord/bnet? get you invited, we got sc horde goons in here too

Tojara i remember duking it out w you in silithus. gnome warlock. we got sc kids from ally. taking all of sc it seems like. there will be plenty of people to kill. we poke’balled stang and shasmly and rolo, all in ka-hoots. whats your discord/bnet? get you invited, we got sc horde goons in here too

Tenshu, Troll Mage

I hope the boys are coming back.

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I am doing well, looking to come back to Classic. hit me up battlenet tag Qzling#1833

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Xarriarous, Undead Warrior / Palliarious, Blood Elf Paladin TBC
Beatdown Brigade


Ohrion, Tauren Warrior
The Doomguard / Invictus Mortem

Thinking of rolling on Whitemane or Herod.

@Taylarswift Bonjour tortue.

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