Skullcrusher Alliance Reconnections

I was a human warrior named Schabacker in LAWL PATROL! Good times! I plan on rolling a NE hunter this time around. Any lawl patrol peeps around these days?

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I remember Jadelah. I still have a video he made of when he tried to gank me in silithus and i scatter shot/ feign death/ logged out on him

I was friends with ceinwyn too but no idea what happened

I remember you. Dont forget about Insom

If anything we told you it doesnt matter how much you pvp because your rank gain was capped. Still ignorant after all these years.

Looking to see which realm people are going to.
My rise to fame was basically making GM by defending Stables while we rolled over countless horde groups. Not saying we never met our match but it was far and few between. Usually the best horde pvp could muster was turtling the flag in Warsong Gulch. Anyway local defense.

Drawing a blank because ive been drinking

Super annoying guy



Nyree - Gnome Rogue - Wendigo Brewing Co.
Criticals - NE Hunter - Wendigo Brewing Co.

Bnet is Tilted#11813

Hey Dayroz! Dude, I’m still at UF, LOL.

Anyways what server are you rolling on?

FA as in Fallen Arms? I am Staplefreak, NE Druid from around 2005-2006.

Big mix of players from alliance and horde are rolling horde on the Herod-PVP server. If any of you guys are interested in joining the horde faction post up bnet discord contact, we’ll send invite.

Staplefreak NE Druid
Battletag: Staplefreak#1530

I was a part of the following guilds: Roman Empire and Fallen Arms. I am looking for the following players:


I never played past Vanilla WoW—could never get into the expansions for a myriad of reasons. BC and WOTLK I had gone back to playing console as I was quite addicted to Vanilla at the time and was around 12-13 years old then. Every expansion after that left the community feeling I was seeking absent. Anyway if you’re out there let’s get in touch.

Hey Miel! A fellow Brethren! What server and faction are you rolling?

FA might also be Focused Aggression.

Who is your brother on Phoenix Rises?? Majestic Reign! I hope Bonnie Comes back.

Chheech!!! Glad to see you still owning skullcrusher. Join the crew!

Brinn (holy pally)

looking for


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someone told me rogaine was playing, but i havent talked to him, can anyone confirm?

if anyone does talk to rogaine tell him brinn is looking for him. please.

Lawl Patrol is still on Skullcrusher. A few of us are going to play on Fairbanks.

Roll your characters on Fairbanks and well get it done!