Can Blizzard address the following bugs? It makes no sense for them to exist. And even if they did its just plain monkey coding.
Skull flame shields flamestrike works when the shield is sheathed and you are hit in the back BUT lifedrain doesnt work. This means rogues get to get away with free hits bypassing the shield.
Shadow oils proc is 5% instead of 15% because of the 10 second internal cooldown and this cooldown shouldnt be there because frost oil doesnt have one.
Skull of impending doom/Crystal of Zin-Malor deals physical damage but the damage is NOT being reduced by blessing of sanctuary
Anvilrage Overseer not getting out of combat bug and chases you endlessly and AV War Riders shoot through walls
Because of the combat bug that horde was able to kill me in a situtation he shouldnt of been able to kill me.
AV war rider shooting through walls
Blizzard its just not right.