Skuld Vit barrier

Unable to use soulshape, or the associated blink, to get through the barrier protecting rare spawn Skuld Vit in Ardenweald. Myself and 2 other players having the same issue when grouped as well as ungrouped.


So as of just now, one of my party members, a Druid was able to cast Summon Treants on the rare, causing him to aggro us. We both died, but once we respawned, we were able to use the soulshift to get through the barrier with no trouble.
EDIT: Once we killed the rare after getting into the area the second time, Axe of Broken Wills dropped instead of the Wolfhawk Soulshape. Both me, and the other druid chose the Night Fae Covenant, but had not done the 3 world quests quest or the reservoir quest. This leads me to think the game doesn’t consider you part of the covenant unless you do those quests.

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We ran into the bug as well. It teleports my wife out who is a Night fea.

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Same here. also Night fae, renown 3, done the world quests, actually done all the quests in the zone so far. this is the last treasure i need for the achievement. frustrating.

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Same issue here

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Same issue. All 3 of us are Nightfae, we all used our Soulshape ability and we still get teleported out. We’ve tried Flickering through it but it doesn’t take us far enough and still teleports us out.
We are unable to get close enough to tag the Rare.

Edit: Managed to ‘cheese’ the barrier. Have a Druid go Boomkin, stand as far into the room as possible and place down the Treant [Force of Nature] talent when he patrols the closest. You can aggro him and pull him up the ramp but not too far or he’ll reset. Stay at the barrier (it’ll turn invisible but still teleport you out).
And yep. All I got
 was the stupid Axe


Same issue, barrier can’t be skipped with the nightfae power. Super frustrating, please fix!!

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Same here, won’t let me through using soulshape, but my filling the reservoir quest is broke too
so far this is all very irritating with no answers coming from blizz

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Same issue here.

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Can confirm still an issue. Pets cant get through to taunt, couldn’t use soulshape to get in, and cant warp in through warlock gate. What DID work is having boomy druid pull using treants

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Same issue here on my alt on doomhammer. Weird thing is I was able to get in there while leveling.

Just kill Skull vit. I am a BM hunter and I use wild spirits to break the barrier. Hope that helps

I used Eyes of the Beast to send my pet in and drag him closer to the barrier. Just got the soul shape a few minutes ago.

I just got it, I am a feral druid.

It kept porting me out over and over but what worked for me was switching to balance, pulling with treants, pulling him up and resetting him. I swapped back feral and just inched my way in without using soulshape at all.

Perhaps I got lucky, but hopefully it helps my fellow ferals out.

Still bugged. Can confirm it does work with summon treants on balance druid. It can fail the first few times, but you just gotta be at a certain spot where you can spawn them inside on the boss!

Still bugged! I am NF, cant get through to save my life. a fgew oithers outside trying as well

still bugged

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Still bugged (:

Update, just saw someone sucessfully die to resurrect inside, and they were close enough that he aggroed. Once they caught his attention the rest were able to engauge. However even with that, they had to lure him all way up the ramp, cause no one could go down the ramp even with soul shape, even after the barrier was not visible anymore, this guy is really bugged bad.

Still bugged, however I was able to get in with my warlock using Eye of Kilrog. I moved it around inside for a few seconds, it got booted and kinda reset the barrier, I was then able to soulshape through and not get booted out.