Skoll hunter taming

Ive been camping for Skoll for weeks now, and i have yet to find him in any of his spawn locations. Ive went multiple times a day every single day for the past 3 weeks. I dont understand why i have yet to accomplish this spirit beast. I was able to get Gagria, Arcturis, Karoma, and Loque’ Nahak. But have still yet to manage getting any luck with Skoll. Any hunters have any advice on what times to check?
and also everytime i go and camp in the spawn locations there is never anyone else hunting for him. So im confused as to how there are possibly so many people hunting him when theres never anyone around. Almost as if they all know when he was tamed or killed last.

Have you been staying at the spawn points for a few hours? Skoll’s respawn time is something like 8 hours or more (I don’t remember what it is, it has been years since I tamed him). Also, it is a good idea to check early in the morning when there aren’t as many people on.


yes ive stayed has it most popular spawning point for about 3-4 hours before and also circled around in the other areas in that time too. And how early ?

There is a Discord group (“WoW Secret Finding”), that has a channel to help hunters with pet tames. I’ve only ever used one of the channels for a mount, just the one time, but everything went smooth.

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Problem with this tame is TLPD. Rare mount paths in the same areas so players camping TLPD tend to kill Skoll when he spawns. Stick with it. Still one of my favorite tames of all time. Took me weeks but the wait makes it all the sweeter when you finally do get it.

As soon as you wake up if it isn’t in the middle of the day. Maybe 4 or 5 in the morning. This doesn’t guarantee you to find him but it is easier since there aren’t as many people playing during that time.

Yeah I don’t understand y ppl kill him when there is no achievement to do so. Just to laugh at hunters so they don’t get the tame. I’m trying to stick with it but it’s hard

I’ll help you. What’s your btag?

Pandalover28 I think it is lol

Hi, did you have any luck in the end? I’m trying now on my BM hunter and have had no luck…

does anyone know about what time skoll shows up

I suggest trying the trail character trick.

Make a trail character on a rp server. Fly over to were skroll spawns. Make a group, and the hop on your hunter. Fly over to area and join group. It will zone you into the server and the chance of skroll being up.

I think this has been fixed to work, A trial toon can’t make a group until a certain level I want to say 50 or so ? By the time you level the trail up its past the 2 hour trial time, so sadly I don’t think this works any more.

I have an hunter on a low rp realm and have not had any luck with Skoll. With warmode on and off.
I am thinking sometimes that there is some other unknown spawn point where it just stays unnoticed for years happily watching the Stormpeak weather cycles.

(queue Fool on the Hill Beatles song)

Bloodsail Buccaneer Server (WOTLK Classic)
I got Skoll 6/6/23 4:19pm
and 6/9/23 5:12 am (Central time) both at the Frozen Mine.
I think it just boils down to luck. Just don’t give up.

Can someone help Ironhawk on GrizzleHill to tame skoll plz