Skip Skill Training Till 60?

It can make a difference in being able to afford a mount at level 40 if you aren’t a Warlock or Paladin.

Especially if you’re more focused on leveling than you are professions.

I went without stuns,stealth skills and poisons from 1-60 in classic and I capped reasonably quickly. I did however die alot thanks to being unable to throw extra interupts out.

I guess it depends purely on the class, some classes can get away with it, others can’t.

hehe, I’m a glutton for punishment, I do this all the time leveling toons.

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Depends on your goals. If you want to have a mount by 40-45 you want to skip out on training unless it’s a spell you frequently use, or really important to your play.

As an example for a rogue, you would always train Sinister Strike, Eviscerate, Instant Poison the moment a new rank comes available to you.

Then for abilities like gouge, kick, feint, rupture, slice and dice you only want to get the first rank of these abilities and I’d honestly recommend not even grabbing feint since it’s pointless. The reason I say to grab the first rank is because nothing noticeable changes past a moderate amount of damage. Kick doesn’t get lower energy, it just does slightly more damage but for real it’s only like 10 damage to 20. The interrupt is still the same. Gouge does slightly more damage but its duration doesn’t increase with rank, only the very minor damage it does anyway.

Then abilities you should grab/upgrade when you’re able because of how important they are and they’re spaced out:

Sprint, Evasion, Vanish, Kidney Shot, Cheap Shot, Blind.

Abilities you should never level up:
Expose Armor
Feint if questing

I’m missing a few abilities here obviously but you get the idea.

A note about Backstab and Ambush: If the tactic known as “facestabbing” works which is where you stand on the mob, strafe left and right through it spamming backstab then you want to use backstab over Sinister Strike. However it requires latency to pull off and is generally a waste of time unless you’re really consistent with it. In most cases you’re better off just going with sinister strike.

Note about Garrote and Rupture: Early level these abilities are actually pretty strong at like level 20. You can garrote and immediately rupture and the bleed damage will kill most mobs in that level range. However the damage falls off fast and at the same time your own power presuming decent weapons exceeds the hassle to where you’re better off just running up to things out of stealth, spamming sinister strike, eviscerating and repeating.

You should absolutely skip some abilities - there’s just no reason to level them, until you’re flowing with gold. Frost Nova is an example. It only gets a small increase in damage, it doesn’t get anything else. Other spells that you rarely use that only get a small damage increase to it, with no duration change or anything like that, like Gouge.

Just look at the next rank and see what it gives you. It’s not always worth several gold for a tiny increase in damage.

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Doesn’t hamstring have multiple ranks?
But its something like raises its bonus damage which is pathetically weak.

Some skills seem to have multiple ranks just to make you waste money.


You can level it later just for that much more damage, but it’s not necessary while leveling.

Ehhh, I actually like leveling up primaries on the first go around. For new players, it helps sometimes too to be better geared or having access to buffs…

Also lets you have a better purpose to grind.

Depends on the spell, there’s a lot of spells that are basically just there for some effect that you get from the level 1 version or spells that are just sucky to begin with.

Me too.
I know, mining and engineering for pvp blablabla, but I don’t want to make a character who’s only good for combat and THEN another for professions.
Leveling takes long enough in vanilla, to make an alt just for crafting really is asking a lot.

Its simple resource allocation.

Do you want to spend your gold on skills you will not use (e.g offspec/utility abilities)?

Would you prefer to invest in crafting mats to keep your professions relevent as you level?

I know I’ll be eyeballing what spells a Hunter should have while leveling Engineering and Mining. If only because I greatly enjoy those professions and I enjoyed them a hell of a lot more back in the day. Though at certain points throughout WoW’s history, I felt that I needed a wide selection of skills, but I might have been able to cheap out on ranking up status effect abilities that just slightly increased damage dealt.

It’s already going to be an uphill battle with buying ammo and pet food, but I can’t wait. Back when I leveled in BC, every vendor purchase was a weighty decision, and I really want that back. I really, really want the little choices back.

It depends on your professions and class.

Gathering profs will net you the most income, which is important in classic, gold is very valuable to players because training, consumes, boes, mounts, etc all cost serious dosh.

Many classes get slowed down by proffessions more than they benefit. The slower leveling classes, Paladin, Rogue, and Warrior benefit the most from professions, or even better, having an alt or multiple alts dedicated to making their life easier. On undocumented servers, my method is to send an easy leveling class up to around level 30 or so, warlock eats the least BS for sending items to an alt because of class mount making your leveling eco a lot easier. You can set up Herb/Alch on this alt and make tons of potions to send to your slow leveler. I usually run First Aid, Cooking, and Engineering on slow levelers and have funnel characters boost them to the mid 30s where the classes become self sufficient. Paladin gets Reckoning, Warrior gets Berserker Stance and Whirlwind, and Rogue gets enough talent points that they finally dont suck.

You probably won’t have enough gold to buy a lot of your abilities, especially since you should be saving for a mount ASAP for level 40. But starting fresh, there’s going to be so very little economy. I would be surprised to see stuff on the Auction House costing more than a few silver at most on that first day.

What’s that, you’re in high school, so blow all your money on adult diapers, because you’re going to need to buy them eventually anyway?

What kind of senseless argument is that. Think please.

Of course it is wise to skip unnecessary skills and put the money toward achieving much more important purchases earlier.

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There’s no reason to skip purchasing abilities, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to afford them.

You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.


This isn’t true. Skipping ranks that are useless (15 more damage on my root…?) and being smart about spending gold is the way you get your mount at ~40.

Especially considering that everyone else is going to be short on money too early on since the only actual source of gold in the economy are drops and quest rewards, which usually doesn’t result in 100g per player at lvl 40 and selling stuff on the AH is just shifting money around in an approximate zero sum system so that if someone can afford their mount, it probably means someone else can’t.


I absolutey recommend getting most skills as they become available. Anything that would be part of your usual rotation especially. You want to get as experienced as possible utilizing your kit to its fullest extent; otherwise later on when you’re 60 you won’t be as acclimated to using those skills you saved for later, and your performance as a player will suffer.

Things that you can skip are ones that are highly situational and you don’t predict you’d need while leveling. Some of the tracking skills from hunter are a great example (won’t use dragon kin and elemental much)

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