Skinny Kul Tirans

Blizzard should add an option to Kul Tirans that makes them fat or skinny.
Just like the posture option for orcs.


Hi there, if like to introduce a new allied race called “humans”


Isn’t happening, KT aren’t Horde. They won’t get any extra added work. :slight_smile:

It seems like this exact same thread is reposted every day

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nice to know that there is always SOMEONE who would like to bring this topic back…



It’s almost as if players want more customization in this game, given that free to play games are years ahead of WoW in customization I wouldn’t say that is such a horrible thing to ask for.

Who wants to play as something that’ll get snapped by a stray breeze?

Kul Tirans are just fat humans. You want them skinny? then roll a regular human. Or maybe you want an orange or bright red human instead. To, you know, make them somehow different from everyday Stormwind humans.

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The same massive portion of players who play blood elves.

Straight back orcs are just orcs with a straight back too.

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No, they play knife-ears because they’re knife-ears. Why would Blizzard waste time and effort developing a whole new set of animations for such a niche, and quite frankly stupid customization option.

They should give humans a fat option. See which one players prefer.

  1. Skinny Kul’Tirans are just regular Humans. Roll one. This falls into the same sort of category as roleplayers wanting to play non-Worgen Gilneans rolling regular Humans.

  2. The malnourished Kul’Tiran model is NPC-only and has no female counterpart. It’s not meant to be a standard look for the race.

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True, unless you play a female orc. The normal female orcs have straight backs.

I don’t get why people pretend the skinny model doesn’t exist. I really wanted to play one of those skinny bois. I’m still happy with my big guy tho.

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Want a skinny kul tiran? Make a human it’ll solve the “kul tirans should have paladin” problem too

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To be honest the human faces and textures just suck… maybe if they fixed them up a bit, the last hurt more than helped their faces. I love the Kul Tiran texturing, but I aint running around with a belly unless its a panda. I’d play the hell out of them if they could actually be normal.

If alliance get’s an awesome race that can have drastic changes like super fat or super skinny then the horde demands that they get fully skinned undead and trolls that can wear actual boots.

To people saying roll regular humans. Regular humans arent skinny though, they are bodybuilders, the men at least.