I’m currently leveling skinning on an alt. I’m working my way through the base game skinning, and prior to the patch I was at roughly 200. Tonight, post-patch, I thought I would finish off my base game skinning.
At roughly 220, everything went green. I roamed around the usual haunts where you’d think to find higher level mobs; Silithus, Winterspring, Blasted Lands as examples. Everything was green. I hopped into Ruins of AQ and slaughtered all the mobs, and skinned everything that I could - everything was green, and I only got one skill point.
Okay, no biggie.
I went back to Un’goro and did my circle. At 250, everything went grey. I stayed and skinned for another half-hour, absolutely no gains - I did this because I’d heard some people say they were getting points even after things were grey, so I wanted to see if that was the case. After 300+ skins, I can safely say that it’s not.
The only place that I could find potential points was when I ran Onyxia on a lark - her guards were grey, she was green. She did not give me a point, the wench.
To continue the saga, I went into Blackwing Lair. Every skinnable mob in the raid was green, and after ~50 skins, I came away with three points. Adding insult to injury, Nefarian not only didn’t give me a point, he only gave me Thick Leather. Spite runs in the family, I see.
Just to test, I flew into Hyjal expecting to get Cataclysm skill points and found that mobs were already green there. The mob I skinned, however, did give me a point for Cataclysm. A few tests in other Cataclysm areas showed green as well, but I was getting points as though the skill level would have been yellow or orange. At a whopping level 1 Outland Skinning, the mobs are grey to me but still yield points.
Alas, I get away with myself. My point is that as skinning stands right now, I’m unable to go past 250 in base game skinning without relying on raids - and I’m pretty sure that I don’t have to explain why relying on 200 or so skinnable mobs in end-game raids, some of which I can’t reach without locking myself to the raid for the week and thus removing the ability to farm, to level something that I should be able to level in open world is a bad idea.
But, in case I do, please read that last sentence again.
If this explanation seems a little long-winded, it’s because I’ve already explained several times to people that;
No, I cannot level my classic skinning in other zones, it no longer works like that.
No, I cannot use the DMF to level those points, I’ve already picked up the other levels of skinning.
No, I can’t just farm the raids - you can’t even get to the skinnable mobs in BWL without killing the first two bosses.
Yes, I’ve already done the usual stuff to check if it’s something on my side, though that was done mostly just to stop people from telling me to do it - I can’t change code, guys.
Yes, I’ve vastly enjoyed my bug-hunting.
Can we get someone to check on this? I know there were miners complaining that they were locked at 295, but this is just a biiiit much.