Skinning KP catch up?

This may be a silly question but I haven’t been able to find an answer for it. Is there a Skinning profession Knowledge Point catch up mechanism like there is for Herbalism and Mining (i.e. Null Slivers)? I’m not talking about the weekly quest each profession has or the “regular” weekly knowledge point drops (Toughened Tempest Pelts). I started my Skinning character a few weeks later along with a couple Herbalism/Mining chars and I notice that the latter ones get “catch up” points in addition to the above weekly ones if I continue gathering whereas my Skinning char does not appear to. Is this just an oversight or am I just experiencing terrible RNG and never, ever getting one?

If it is any way like the catch up for mining/herbing, you get the catch up items AFTER you’ve gotten the regular ones for the week.

Yes, I’m aware, which is why I said I’m not getting them if I continue gathering after the regular ones.

Have you tried one of the weak auras that tell you how many catchup points you have allocated? I would start there and see if you have any. You started a few weeks late and the catchup doesn’t kick in until you are behind by quite a bit I think?

EDIT: or the macro is listed here:

Hmm, I hadn’t heard of it not “kicking in” until a certain threshold and as I stated other chars I had that also started late in Mining/Herbalism have been getting the catchups, but I’ll investigate the link later this evening. Maybe Skinning is just different for “reasons”.

So you get them when:
-you’ve got your weekly drops
-you have done the weekly quest (the one from the skinning trainer) (or at least it has not yet dropped for me until I do this)
-you have missed any of the previous weeks drops

The catch-up items is

I have not found them to be difficult to find at all. Bf got a brand new skinner and got 4 out of a pile of 5 mobs ( but mind you he has 60+ kp catch-ups available).

Yes, I’m aware when you’re supposed to get them. It’s the same for Mining and Herbalism. I’m not getting them and I missed several weeks. Bug it is, then.

I was leveling up an alt with skinning and I wondering about that as well. I don’t remember getting any razor talons but KP in skinning is always a pain since it seems like you need like 20+ mobs before a point drops.