Skill/intelligence level of the average player

Despite witnessing it time and time again, I’m consistently baffled at the constant display of absolute buffoonery any time I solo que skirmishes or random bgs. To the point where I’m partially convinced they’re not real people and just running bot programs.

Now that ludus labs is gone, is anyone tracking PvP rating and data? What is the median pvp rating these days?


We don’t need to make excuses for them. We can be blunt and just say that they’re bad. There is nothing wrong with doing this. If someone is bad then we can tell them; specifically, tell them what they are bad at. That’s how you grow - knowing what you suck at so that you can work on it.

I am not aware of any new PvP tracking metrics similar to Ludus.

some people haven’t played for 15 years

You don’t need a metric. Challenger was 35% of top PvPers.

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You been playing this game for 15 years LMAO. I’d hope you’d be able to get higher than 2100

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The average player is of average intelligence and skill. That’s just how math works.

thanks for trying to dive into my achievements but

  1. incorrect
  2. why would i ever pvp past the rating i need to get full gear?? sounds like a miserable experience. i have much better things to do with my time than push cr on world of warcraft

now go throw some more bops around you miserable sap

Alot of people play this game stoned.

Some more way more functional than others.

EDIT: haha way more functional*


You’ve tried and failed, that isn’t hard to figure out either KEKW

What’s the point of this post? You slur people casual queuing unrated content, then inquire about rated metrics? lol

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Players are apathetic more than anything. Randoms aren’t meant to be taken too seriously.

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Everything I do I take seriously. I’m seriously taking a serious sh*t right now.

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i have a dh named tazerface we should team up

This guy! It’s safe to assume that most of us posting on the forums are in the upper 50%. We care enough about the game to go onto the forums and talk about our experiences with others. A large portion of the player base do not watch PvP videos, they do not check wowhead or other sites to get the best gear and best spec or best rotation, and they think that their playstyle is fine because it’s carried them this far.

They just don’t know any better. You can try to tell them that they are playing incorrectly all you want, but they aren’t going to hear it until they are ready to.

I’m down. I’m a casual, but a super serious casual, like every situation in this game is an irl life or death choice. You must uphold these standards to play with me.

I think the worst part is remembering that 49.9999% of the player base is below that average. like the average player is pretty bad, but there is a huge swath of players worse than that

No, it sure as hell is not.
I am not calling you or anyone else out in particular, rather saying that posting on the forum is not at all an indication of being in any range on a spectrum/scale. With the amount of PEBKAC whining and utter idiocy and lack of awareness frequently shown here, there is nothing to conclude that most posters are in the upper 50% of the PvP player base.

I have been playing since WoTLK.

I am perfectly happy getting to 2k and chillin. Can pretty much get it at will pugging around 100 games no voice. Think my highest rating is 2068 or something.

Nothing wrong with being casual homie.