Very competant and non-toxic player looking for a good raiding guild. As of right now im Rank 9 in classic in PvP (max rank) and #1 standing on my server. In semi-hardcore guild that clears MC in 1.5hours casually.
I’ve played WoW since Vanilla (Originally cleared MC/BWL/AQ and parts of Naxx). BC/WOTLK Arena Gladiator. In other words im a sweaty player.
Played MoP for a few months. That’s about the extent of my retail experience. I am a complete noob to retail but a noob who can learn quickly and obviously plays the game enough and has the skill required.
I’m down to roll any class, healing sounds fun so leaning towards a Priest. I can play and have experience playing every class except DK and Monk. But am open to whatever is needed. I can do the boost or w/e to get insta 120, just need a good guild whose doing Mythics who can just tell me what to do for the first couple days.
Feel free to respond here or in-game im on Classic most of the day until I get a guild for this BFA thing.
Im just a little bored of Classic, as this is my 2nd time playing it, and would like something close to the challenging level that classic offers, so I understand that to be MYTHIC raiding.
I play anywhere between 10-14 hours a day on Classic so I can and am willing to gear up, I just need a guild whose patient and willing to give me the initial boost and take me under their wing.
IMPORTANT NOTE I don’t want a toxic or vulgur guild that acts like theyre in a guy’s locker room or talks mad crap about everyone. I know that eliminates some of the Elitist top guilds but i’m going for enjoyment.
Shinypants #12759