Skill Issue

The raids SHOULD be hard and only the top 10% of players SHOULD be able to full clear the first week and people SHOULD have to progress through getting gear before full clearing.

Balancing Classes in SoD around easy raids that most people put on farm within the first lockout is a massive mistake.

This may be a hot take but if you cant clear raids before they nerf them then you shouldn’t have an opinion on class balancing for SoD.


¯_(ツ)_/ the raid still has enjoyable mechanics and is accessible to everyone which is probably not an easy thing to do from a game development standpoint. If you want difficulty that’s where Warcraft logs comes into play. Go ahead and rank up in an easy raid and do your rotation perfectly


This take gets hotter when one checks your logs.

(Opining that people shouldn’t have an opinion based on criteria that you don’t meet per records is certainly interesting.)


you’re missing the main point, the content is easy, yes it does have a few bosses with a couple of mechanics (that arnt even that hard) but by n large its an easy raid and yes you can push yourself to perform PERFECTLY to get a juicy 99 or 100 (that is by definition only possible by the top 1% and .01% respectively) the point is its not needed to progress through the easy content it is. they even made a point of saying “WCL arnt everything” yet proceed to balance everything AROUND WCL.

the raids are to easy to justify the damage they’re doing to the PvP balance of the game, ether make Raids harder (or add a harder difficulty) or stop giving us useless +10% shadow priest buff that doesn’t actually change their ranking in raid DPS, MASSIVLY impacts PvP balancing issues.

Classic andys care so much about what other people are doing its actually insane.


Im not exempt from this at all, this is also not my only char or even only warrior (it hit level 50 2 weeks after launch BTW) but that’s not the point, I full cleared ST weak one and it was a hard fight that, thats how it aught to be tho.

Progression raiding is not something everyone enjoys and I think it’s safe to say most SoD players do not want to actually have to slowly progress through the raids week by week.


that is your opinion but a valid one. i for one enjoy the thrill of downing a hard boss after trying my best on it after lots of attempts rather then fighting for a meaningless 99 or 100.
possibly fixed by adding heroic mode?

Eh, I’d still say if you’re doing your rotation perfectly it must feel bad to be extremely low on DPS and lower than someone who’s not. That warrants a change. I don’t have a shadow priest in my group so I can’t speak to them, and I wouldn’t use WCL to gauge that information either. MM hunter was “barely above tanks” last phase but I was usually top 1-3 DPS in all of my groups for example. So yea, balancing around WCL can be bad. But also if they’re doing that poorly in PvE, it needs to be addressed.

They’re making changes to PvP too, but personally, in group PvP, I never had any gripes, because I have a healer and position myself in fights properly

Open world PvP is a joke and 1v1 PvP is a joke too so I don’t really care about that stuff.

low damage classes are for the most part low for a reson, shadow priests bring a massive amount of utility and healing to raid that more then make up their lack of damage.
if you want to do a lot of dmg you got to play classes designed to ONLY do dmg with low utility.

In retail. You should go enjoy them.


Odd that you post from this account to do it then.

“Sir, this is a Classic iteration”

It’s for people who just want to sit back with a beer and their friends and blast some stuff.
If we need heavy prog raids and multiple difficulties, there are now two other versions of classic that have that. One of them is even “Classic-ish”

Making the game heavy Prog for me would make it entirely out of reach for others- (And I’m “semi-core” per Blizz) and more frustrating than helpful.
The Season is meant to be enjoyable, not Heroic Raiding.


This isn’t “classic Andy” exclusive brother.

Why not reword your thread to, "Sunken Temple is a good difficulty level for my own personal play style, skill level, preference and group or guild that I play with?"

You put “should” in CAPs 3 times, and say that doing something is a mistake.

OK. I get that that’s your opinion. I am not even here to state any disagreement (or agreement though, for that matter). I’m just curious what you mean.

Do you think that using words like “should” make what you’re saying any different than stating a personal preference or opinion? Should using the word should have a meaning other than to signal personal preference?

When you say:

Is there anything other than your own personal preference (i.e. this is an expression of your own personal preference) that can be taken away from this statement? Is there any reason to believe that it would be a mistake, massive or otherwise? How would one know? Is there data or some function we could reliably replay with some given sets of input that would give the expected result that shows this to be the case?


That’s the whole point of SoD. We don’t have to play warriors anymore to be viable.

Trust me I have a ton of utility but I do a lot of damage lol, so that argument is a bit flawed. I can freeze trap you and scatter or concussive twice in a row. I can explosive trap you and root you and then do the same set of concussive shot or scatter twice in a row again and keep kiting you. My concussive shot has a chance to stun you too. You wouldn’t even touch me. And I can still top the DPS charts. If I’m far enough away from you, I can chimera shot you twice in a row for 3000+ damage


you both made my point and missed it entirely, that’s the point. if classic naxx showed us anything its that things that are difficult become desirable and if you are a laid back player then you can be satisfied with playing as such but balancing all other aspects of the game around a single playstyle is counter productive. why should i have to play the way you want or vice versa? more options have never been a bad thing
also, you’re fooling yourself if you think SoD is still classic.

Naxx being difficult, now that’s the actual hot take right there.

  1. You’ll be glad to know significantly less than 10% of people cleared the raid in the first 12 days; that’s either the first week or the first 2 weeks depending on if you want to count the 5 day period where you had to level on a shortened week.

  2. 0 people in the world cleared the raid before nerfs. So I guess no one gets to talk on the forums about class balance - personally I would welcome this change, albeit for a different reason.

  3. Classic Raids have always been easy. And we don’t have the exact numbers but the classic population across all classic game modes is likely outnumbering retail right now.
    A. Retail has very difficult mythic content - and the player base as been trending downwards for awhile based on all the data we have.
    B. Based on all the data we have, Classic WotLK took a huge hit on the release of Ulduar, where hardmodes made it so gamer dads couldn’t get BiS on 4 hours of casual raiding a week (first raid in the history of WoW with that difficulty)

There is a huge segment of the wow population that wants a game where they can log in 6 hours a week for raid, drink a beer with the boys, and get their BiS over a 3-4 month span doing that.

And by “huge segment” I mean the largest single segment of the player base - and classic is the game mode for that segment of the player base.

You’re advocating for silencing the voices of the people that are literally keeping the lights on over at Blizzard HQ.


I completely agree.
you shouldn’t have to play warrior to be viable but that is not the same thing as bringing all classes into the same roll -high dmg- as warrior, This class is being horribly miss handled in SoD.

That’s a great question. Can you answer it for me?